The UK Growers Thread!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
well trimming over i gave up after a couple of plants i had to come home the munchies got the better of me lol

@ petey that sucks mate hopefully the bud will be worth the extra time, live and learn mate we all take the gamble with seeds

@ don defo been a while mate, all good i hope? if it were me with the tent mate going for a perpetual i'd do it in 2 halfs chopping every 4-5wks, the reason i say that though is just personal preference because i hate chopping lol plus i'm using air cooled hoods so 2 even canopys would be alot easier than 3, this time mate i just filled it up but i'm starting to break it up now in the next couple of weeks after i do a bit of work to the room i'm gonna put 3 lights hopefully on a 3wk rotation mate using the heavy duty fruity as the starter until i find something better i got my eye on white russian and ak47 but failing that killing fields by sannies seeds (12wker) so that'll put me back on a 4wk rotation (lazy bastartd that hates trimming lol) this is the short term plan you know how they change mate lol


i know m8 i smoket my last joint of my last grow this morning thats y i had 2 buy some and im going 2 half to buy it 4 another month and a half at least


Active Member
theres nothing i or anyone can do about it apart from buy it until yours is ready!!
i agree mate when you need a smoke you need a smoke simple as lol:weed:
and iv noticed iv got some bloody nute burn on my fast bud but there still growing like f__k so iv left them to it if they were stressed im sure they wouldnt be growing like crazy still would they?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
cheers fella. im doing half and half uk cherry cheese & bubble gum with a couple of livers in there for shits n giggles. these have been under the 600 for a week but were under a 300cfl for a couple of weeks before. they had a rough start got stunted but are making a comeback haha

vegging them up another week then im pulling the trigger 12/12 they'll get another 600w too. its going to be sweet.


Active Member
im want to grow cheese next and was wonderin what seed bank does the best cheese i will order from attitude but what breeder greenhouseseeds or what lol the only with GHS is there genentic aint what they use to be and they get a lot of hermies from my past experience! :-P


all good apart from one of the ak47 i fed all of them yesterday and all the leafs are pointing out nicely apart from that 1 ak47 other than that she is ok and their is no nute burn or not been over or under waterd???? got any ? wat it is


my picks 002.jpgmy picks 001.jpgthe pick on the right and the plant on the left. the leafs r pointing down abit but look at all the others they look good i took this 2 mins ago bro