Could someone settle a bet?


Well-Known Member
So excuse me then If I dont understand how your saying pics 1 and 2 are female and 3 and 4 are unknown if the first 4 pics are of the same plant?


Well-Known Member
So since your saying 1 and 2 are female (plant #1) and pics 5 and 7 (plant #2) is to, then both these plants are female?


Active Member
Try get close up pistils and the thing they are growing out of. Looks like a kind of P------sy to me. Sorry if that is offensive to anyone.


Well-Known Member
I wish I had thought of this. It embarrasses me to have to ask the forum what sex my plants are. This is creative. Rep to you sir. I'm not sure enough of myself or experienced enough to sex my own plants.


Well-Known Member
So does everyone who helped you win the 50 bucks win a prize? I mean...technically it's them winning the bet. :-)


Moneycount, Im checkin your pics out and I dont think your plant are showing sex quit yet. One pic did look like it was a chicky, but could'nt tell you 100%. I will tell you that there is no sign of male going on, so thats a good thing. If you have them inside, change to 12/12, and the plants will tell you what they are in a few days. Good luck, may the grow force be with you..


Well-Known Member
OK.....Thanks a bunch guys for the replies!!! I think the consensus is that they're girlies!!! :) "I WIN"!!! And about that prize "ALL" get a fantastic photo of the finished product!!! LOL