300 watt CFL's from Home Depot


RIU Bulldog
So i was walking through Home Depot yesterday, when I made my way to the lights sections where the bulbs. To my surprise I saw that they had 300 watt CFL light bulbs for $15 dollars, and they fit into a normal light bulb socket! Considering that im flipping desk lamps upside down to use their sockets and hanging them from the ceiling, thats a big deal for me.

I know that a CFL complete with hood and socket costs about $150 from a hydro store/website, so why are these so cheap? How is it that they fit into a normal socket?
I don't remember, but I think the package said something about having the equivalent
power consumption of a 100 watt incandescent, does that make it a waste of money. Has anyone ever used or uses these in their set up?


Well-Known Member
So i was walking through Home Depot yesterday, when I made my way to the lights sections where the bulbs. To my surprise I saw that they had 300 watt CFL light bulbs for $15 dollars, and they fit into a normal light bulb socket! Considering that im flipping desk lamps upside down to use their sockets and hanging them from the ceiling, thats a big deal for me.

I know that a CFL complete with hood and socket costs about $150 from a hydro store/website, so why are these so cheap? How is it that they fit into a normal socket?
I don't remember, but I think the package said something about having the equivalent
power consumption of a 100 watt incandescent, does that make it a waste of money. Has anyone ever used or uses these in their set up?
Invariably CFLs have the equivalent light output of a more powerful incandescent.
I reckon you have this backwards - they are 100 W CFLs equivalent to a 300W incandescent.

ganja girl

New Member
Check out the Kelvins for flower you need 2700K, veg 6500K. I've seen one there that was 4100K plants can't really use that.


Well-Known Member
Beansly, The 300 watt equivalent CFL actually only draws 65 watts. Those light sold at Home Depot are 2700K

Ganja girl, although 4100K is not an optimal spectrum for a plant, I guarantee if you put a 4100K bulb over a plant it would photosynthesize and there would be growth.


The one's at Wal Mart are 2700K 75 watts, lumins are rated at 3'400! They are equivalent to a 300 watt. They are only 12 bucks each! I believe this is my choice, because I am in flower!


Well-Known Member
I have one of those there 68 watts exactly . I use for supplemental lighting when the heat allows .This bulb raises my temp a couple degrees .However when I did run it lower buds got bigger !


RIU Bulldog
I reckon you have this backwards - they are 100 W CFLs equivalent to a 300W incandescent.
Nope. It's a big giant bulb that says 300watt CFL on the package.

Check out the Kelvins for flower you need 2500K, veg 6500K. I've seen one there that was 4100K plants can't really use that.
I've heard that plants need at least 2000 lumens per foot sq. Whats this about Kelvin? I dont know much about K aside that its intensity decreases the farther you light is from your plants (and honestly im not even sure about that). Im ashamed to admit that though my general knowledge about weed and gerdening is respectable, I know little about electricy and lighting. help...

Beansly, The 300 watt equivalent CFL actually only draws 65 watts. Those light sold at Home Depot are 2700K

Ganja girl, although 4100K is not an optimal spectrum for a plant, I guarantee if you put a 4100K bulb over a plant it would photosynthesize and there would be growth.
So would you say its better than using a bunch of little CFL's (since thats what im forced to go with at the moment) or should i just save my money for the proper $150 CFL grow light that actually uses 200 watts?


RIU Bulldog
You know... I might have been looking at the wrong price..
Either way, the box said 300w equivalent.


Well-Known Member
So would you say its better than using a bunch of little CFL's (since thats what im forced to go with at the moment) or should i just save my money for the proper $150 CFL grow light that actually uses 200 watts?
There is some debate on what the best CFL setup would be, but as far as efficiency, and lumen per watt, I believe the 27 watt bulbs are the most efficient. The 300w equivalent CFL puts out more overall light than smaller individual bulbs , but you can reasonably reach more of the plants foliage with more bulbs at less intensity..


This would be an ideal light for the lower end of my plant! I would really only need one, maybe two! I agree, with foliage interference! I have lights from top to bottom! Not just tops! I have many bud sites on bottom as well. I would like to see some growth from them as well! :)


Well-Known Member
Yes thats correct but u have to consider the increased surface area as this lamp is 3 times larger than a 27 .

ganja girl

New Member
Best place to learn about CFL's, it pretty much covers it all. Kelvins are the spectrum of light, not it strength.


Nope. It's a big giant bulb that says 300watt CFL on the package.

I've heard that plants need at least 2000 lumens per foot sq. Whats this about Kelvin? I dont know much about K aside that its intensity decreases the farther you light is from your plants (and honestly im not even sure about that). Im ashamed to admit that though my general knowledge about weed and gerdening is respectable, I know little about electricy and lighting. help...

So would you say its better than using a bunch of little CFL's (since thats what im forced to go with at the moment) or should i just save my money for the proper $150 CFL grow light that actually uses 200 watts?


Well-Known Member
IMG00488-20100726-0750.jpgHere what i did but raised my temp too much for now .This sour d streched bad on me so the lower branches are suffering.


I too started to have this problem, just not the heat issue! The bottoms were sparse, so I added lighting, and it made a huge difference. I started to get more bud sites down below, now they are filling in. I did this about middle of first week into flower! Now I see, YOU CANT HAVE TOO MUCH LIGHT!!! Just proper growing conditions for the lights! Trial and error my friend! We will both find right conditions and grow well! Keep posted on progress. Thats why I like these forums! People can share there errors and save us from the same ones! Here what the lights have done for me!

