Can i use HPS for veg... i ran out of CFLs theres not enuff to cover each plant


Well-Known Member
My HPS keeps my plants small and bushy as i get the light as close as my plants as possible. I also start vegging for the first 2 weeks on a 24/0 photoperiod to keep them small and bushy and if you then switch to 18/6 thats when they will stretch as the plants stretch during your dark period looking for that light. If you vegg on 24/0 the plants wont stretch and will keep small and bushy with plenty more nodes. I do my first 2 weeks on 24/0 then switch to 18/6 to get some height on them and when they are around 12" tall i start my 12/12 until the end. I use a 400w (bulb shown below) and this plant was ready in 92 days from seed packet to harvest growing the way i just explained.

the bulb.

The growlux sunmaster is my choice.

the plant.
Is that LUDACRIS' plant again? Does Luda only have that one bud that he grew? I'm confused. :-?


Well-Known Member
Great plant, sir. Interesting info on how to keep a plant short and bushy by doing 24/0. I hadn't heard that. I'll have to try it.


New Member
Great plant, sir. Interesting info on how to keep a plant short and bushy by doing 24/0. I hadn't heard that. I'll have to try it.
Hope you try it out as you will be very surprised at the results. Plants vegged on 24/0 grow around 20-30% faster than 18/6.
(good luck).