2 noob questions about cloning?

1 Do you really need a mother plant? can't you just clone
a clone endlessly in Vegetative stage? (meaning that before you
move a clone in to flowering, you clone it)

2, is it a good idea to cut a inch of the end on all the leafs that are on
your clone before you place it in a cube or soil etc.. ?

thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
1. No, you don't need a plant designated just for being a mother in order to clone. You can clone any female plant in the veg stage. You could also clone in the first 3 weeks of flowering but that is controversial and a longer process. You could clone a clone and clone that clone etc. but that degrades the quality of the plant and causes mutations/vulnerability to environmental conditions, diseases, and pests. It is not recommended

2. From what I've read, when you clone, if you cut the tips of the plants fan leaves, it causes the plant to focus more on root growth rather than maintaining the leaves, also because the clone needs water and doesn't have roots yet to get any, misting/humidifying is necessary and cutting the leaf tips allows for more water to reach the plant
''but that degrades the quality of the plant and causes mutations/vulnerability to environmental conditions, diseases, and pests. It is not recommended'' what really?
thats the first time i hear that
"but that degrades the quality of the plant and causes mutations/" No it doesn't. Cannabis is just like any other plant that is propagated by cutting. The MacIntosh Apple is well over two hundred years old by now and still tasting free of quality degradation, at least by my standards.


Well-Known Member
Oh woops my mistake, I misunderstood my source. It takes many years to affect the quality of the plant unless it mutates which is unlikely if the plant is stable and in the necessary conditions for growth. Over time this will occur but I misreported, it takes many generations for it to do so.


Well-Known Member
Does a Plant need to be atleast 6 weeks old before you start to take cutting's, or the Potentcy of the strain wont get passed down?


Active Member
I don't think that's true at all... A clone is a clone - it is the exact genetic duplicate. Even after years DNA doesn't change... it is the same plant, though in a different form than the seed mother. I'll try to give you some better answers:

1. You don't really need a mother plant, but it is nice to have one. With a mother you can take clones every two weeks (and therefore have plants starting veg every 2 weeks) if you wanted to, and you don't have to worry about damaging your crop's eventual yield by cloning from them. You can also top your plants, and clone the tops, on top of having a mother plant, for max efficiency.

2. Yes, cutting the ends of long-leafed clones results in the plant focusing root growth... But you're doing more than that: you're decreasing the amount of energy taken in by the plant. Without a root system of decent size, a cutting can't actually take in and utilize all the light it receives, which is why low light levels and fluoros work well for cloning. The cutting itself, unrooted, also can't take up water, so it's important that it stays moist with nutrient-free water, with a humidity level of 80-100%. I use a humidifier aimed right at em, once they start rooting, and a dome before that, with plenty of water inside the cloning chamber to maintain 90-100% humidity. Most important two things about cloning are humidity and constant light (only direct light if using fluoros... wouldn't want to expose clones to HPS unless it is a safe 3 feet away).


Active Member
Greenjambo - No, the plant does not have to veg for 6 weeks... it can veg for as little as a week and it will still mature if propagated.


Active Member
i dont use a mother anymore i will take cuttings from 10 plants let em bounce back then flower when clones grow out cutttings from them then flower etc. i prefer that over mother plants in my grows it seems they root faster and i have way better plants then when i used a mother i always have at least 20 vegging so 1 or 2 cuts from each works great 4 me


Well-Known Member
But won't that stress the clones?

(to clone from a flowering plant, and put the clone in vegetative stage)
If by stressing the clone, you mean it takes her longer to recover/get into vegging again, than yes, it does. But once the clone from a flowering plant does get into full veg swing, she goes nuts with new growth and ends up (with some strains) growing branches out of her like crazy. This process does take longer though, it took my clone of a flowering female 1 month to get back into veg but shes doing crazy well now! link in sig (current 2nd grow) :)


Well-Known Member
But i have heard that she can become, deformed, all long and weird looking
She does, here's my personal plant that's going through the process right now


Thanks for the pictures, but then, they don't look deformed to me, just
a bit special, but then again i don't see a lot of plants, but would you then
recommend against cloning from a flowering plant?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the pictures, but then, they don't look deformed to me, just
a bit special, but then again i don't see a lot of plants, but would you then
recommend against cloning from a flowering plant?
If you're talking about cloning your plant currently this season and you're outdoors, I don't think you'll have enough time to finish it before it gets cold. If you're talking about doing it indoors and you're ready to be patient then yes, I recommend it as an experimental grow. Its experimental because not all strains will respond well to this, then again, others explode with new growth. Its very situational.


Active Member
super lemon haze clones of clones little pot on here is clone from the clones in bigger pots going 12/12 in a couple wks