how does it look? do i need nutes or anything?


came home sunday from being out of town for a week to find it like this....i was pretty excited. :D do i need to do anything to it or just continue to let it do its thing.

any comments or suggestions would be great. thanks guys



started from seed in the first few days of june. and i havnt added any nutrients. the soil was some organic miracle grow potting soil and cow manure compost. its what i had around the house and i just thought id see how it would turn out


Active Member
Looks like it has begun flowering, thats cool. She looks healthy.
I assume it's outdoors, is it planted in the ground? She doesn't look like she's starving for anything.
You should get a bottle of bloom nutes to have around, just in case she starts looking hungry.


Active Member
yea grab some tiger bloom and big bloom and use half strength every other watering... you will be happy you did in the end :)


Well-Known Member
Look up on google "hydroponics" and then your zip code or city. usually they will have soil that you need. if not look online. Its a great investment if your looking for some quality personal smoke for WAY cheaper, or to make a lil $$$