indeed, why?why guy?!...
Your going to let one or 2 people who have no idea what they are talking about so they personal attack you bother you enough to leave? ive had more stalkers than i can count, fuck those people, ban em(might be called ignore now) and never see another of that persons posts again. I think you should stay, you seem to have the potential to be a really good member, unlike the guys your/we are talking to on the other thread who just want to attack people and argue over nothing.Folks trolling, mostly. It's gotten very, very annoying. I've never personally attacked or otherwise insulted a single person. Scouts honor. Yet I seem to have cock-suckers left and right trying to fill the chip on their shoulder. To me, dealing with that bullshit is not worth some reading material or swapping advice on the computer. I'd rather just figure it out on my own if I've got to fend off shit-for-brain assholes wanting to argue every thread I go into.
message 1 of the mods let them know.Fdd2blk,potroast,rollitup..So no one knows what will get me kicked off? I mean, I've tried being out-right rude and crude to a mod that PMed me. Called him a coward.Chicken shit too. Still nothing.