Hydrogen peroxide


Well-Known Member
I am 1/2 way into flowering I backed down to 1 cup FF Big Blume to 4 gallons of water. every other watering
I add 1 cup Sweet A dash of B1 and Thrive.

Could I or should I add some Hydrogen peroxide and if so how much? PH is good.

Any suggestions at all.


Well-Known Member
1 cup of FF BB? per gallon? wow...

I add about 1 tbsp per gal of H2O2, but not sure with your measurements.


Well-Known Member
how much O2 do you think you are giving your roots? As much as you breathe in a single breath? More? Less? Are you using drugstore H2O2? 3%?

Your roots get oxygen when your pot dries out. The uptake of water and nutrients into the plant draws in air to replace it. Your plants don't need any help unless you are growing them in straight clay. And then there's no help you can give them.


Well-Known Member
how much O2 do you think you are giving your roots? As much as you breathe in a single breath? More? Less? Are you using drugstore H2O2? 3%?

Your roots get oxygen when your pot dries out. The uptake of water and nutrients into the plant draws in air to replace it. Your plants don't need any help unless you are growing them in straight clay. And then there's no help you can give them.
So you are saying that it is healthy to give cannabis a feast-or-famine watering regimen? The drying out between watering is actually healthy for the root system. This goes with the conventional wisdom that the best way to water these plants is only when the leaves are drooping, and at that point water them until water pours out the bottom of the pot.


Well-Known Member
lol. i grow hydro. my leaves never droop.

But I guarantee you that adding some small amount of H2O2 to water and applying it to soil plants is like pissing in the ocean. Harmless, but zero impact.


Well-Known Member
FWIW, I tried using 29% and adding it to the water. I think I went as high as 2 tbsp/ gallon - until the 'tester' plant started to stress, anyway.
Then I used 1 tbsp/gal for the plant's entire cycle. The only difference I noticed was that I watered a little more often (currently about once/week for a 5 gallon pot of peat moss and pearlite) - up to probably about three times in two weeks.

While I didn't notice a difference between it and my other plants, the H2O2 did help with the fungus gnats I was dealing with at the time.

I don't bother with it anymore - I'm using the rest of what I bought to disinfect my cloning stuff and now I've got the little root-munchers under control.


New Member
The H2O2 will kill all bacteria, Good or bad from what I understand. BB is organic and contains beneficial microbes. H2O2 in soil should only be used as a last resort when dealing with root rot


Active Member
The H2O2 will kill all bacteria, Good or bad from what I understand. BB is organic and contains beneficial microbes. H2O2 in soil should only be used as a last resort when dealing with root rot
Was just going to say that. You'll kill everything in the soil, the good stuff along with the bad stuff. Just get an air pump and air stone. The air pump is like $15 and the air stone with the hose is like $1.50.....Throw the stone in your water for about 15 minutes, then just water...


RIU Bulldog
I only use it on sprouts and after seeds have germinated to make sure the roots stay healthy and grow out strong. I also use it to dampen the soil when transplanting . Then I water the plant I just transplanted with a weak mix of root stimulator and H2O2


Well-Known Member
how much O2 do you think you are giving your roots? As much as you breathe in a single breath? More? Less? Are you using drugstore H2O2? 3%?

Your roots get oxygen when your pot dries out. The uptake of water and nutrients into the plant draws in air to replace it. Your plants don't need any help unless you are growing them in straight clay. And then there's no help you can give them.

so basically, you are saying to ignore everything ever written about growing marijuana inside, because YOU say so?

