white widow, chrystal, bcn diesel, la blanka, blue mataro. hps/mh/t5/& cfls.firstgrow


Active Member
Yea, after 10 weeks lol.. I would either do 20/4 or 18/6, Lmk when you start that mataro blue. I'm curious to see how she does.
for sure. im finishing up the space. but my other ladies are starting to get hairs in the middle of the growth. its neat.


Well-Known Member
for sure. im finishing up the space. but my other ladies are starting to get hairs in the middle of the growth. its neat.
There getting ready to pack on some bud! You wont be able to take your eyes of them here in a couple weeks:weed:

I can't wait to see the bud porn:eyesmoke:


Active Member
There getting ready to pack on some bud! You wont be able to take your eyes of them here in a couple weeks:weed:

I can't wait to see the bud porn:eyesmoke:
lol. im getting excited, all the side branches have shot up a fair bit. looks like lots of bud sites. ill post some pics, even if they are crappy, soon.


Active Member
every day i have to move my lights more and more. lots and lots of little white hairs. i do need to water more then i am tho.


Active Member
ladies are around 60 days old. and two weeks into 12/12 as of 31/08/10, or tomorrow. im starting to get a little worried about room. all of them have names now.
and, they all have flowers growing on them, all over the place. they are just small right now. much love and attention later.......we shall see. i have been feeding them a good bit of big bloom, earth juice flower, and nirvana. i just added the nirvana by AN, interested to see how it works out. its supposed to have: b vitamins, molasses, sugars, amino acids, and growth stuff. claims to be all organic. looks good...


Active Member
i swear, the buds have just about doubled in size over night. white hairs everywhere.:hump:
i hope things continue to go well. 6 to 8 more weeks then this grow should be ready for harvest. im still working on another area, just for clones and to start seeds, early veg, and what not. just cfls for that one tho.

first two weeks of flowering are about over. how much taller should my ladies get?


Well-Known Member
I noticed mine shot up in the first 3-4 weeks of 12/12 then settled and now seems to be concentrating on bud production rather than getting even taller.. Just to give you an idea, my SR has been around 3.5 feet for the last week and a half and hasn't gotten much taller since, "if any."

I know exactly how you feel though because I was starting to get worried about space because the first couple weeks of 12/12 they seem to really put on some size!!


Active Member
I noticed mine shot up in the first 3-4 weeks of 12/12 then settled and now seems to be concentrating on bud production rather than getting even taller.. Just to give you an idea, my SR has been around 3.5 feet for the last week and a half and hasn't gotten much taller since, "if any."

I know exactly how you feel though because I was starting to get worried about space because the first couple weeks of 12/12 they seem to really put on some size!!
they sure do. the bcn diesel was a runt now shes the third tallest. the part that worries me is that i cant really raise my hps's any higher then they are. right now about 17 inches above tallest cola, so if they keep at it i will have to fold them over, or something.


Active Member
ill be doing some spring cleaning too, hope i find that damn cord for my camera, so that i can make some hot plant porn.

kether noir

Well-Known Member
find it!!!!! love to see your ladies in action. hot, wet, and slippery bud porn. getting me hot....
i have this song in my head now, thinking of that nasty plant porno. and how im tenting. lol


Active Member
i dig that peaches video. lol. my ladies keep goin and going. all of the colas are getting more beautiful each day. they doubled in size last night, the colas.


Active Member
soo many hairs....when do the odors get the strongest? im in the mid of the third week of flowering, about there.


Well-Known Member
I can only speak from limited experience but mine started to stink right around where your at "4weeks", pretty bad! That was only 2 plants.. ONA gel seems to be working well so far though!! I'm ready for some pics, you get a camera yet :)


Active Member
my wife says she'll find the usb cord tomorrow. i have no idea what happend to it. but, yes. if not better ones, then my crappy phones pics.