what straind is best for cold temps live in washington

iluv r3dtub3

New Member
i live in washington and it gets cold and my weed keeps dieing of frost.:evil: dose anyone now a strained that is best for cold temps and has high yeild and low smell.:joint: i now i am to late to start a crop right now but put the best time to start for the strained you post anyone that is good at washington growing outdoors give me some tips would greatly aprectate it.:hump:


Well-Known Member
I'm not from your area but according to some research I've done on different seed sites, Northern Lights, AK47, and GDP are a few strains suited for colder climates and finishing quickly. Smell's are another story:weed:

iluv r3dtub3

New Member
northern lights have a low smell to them but idn if they will survive the frost i might get some autoflowering northern lights and try my luck what do you think about that!!!


Well-Known Member
northern lights have a low smell to them but idn if they will survive the frost i might get some autoflowering northern lights and try my luck what do you think about that!!!
Yes, autoflower would probably do well in your climate. But about when does it start to frost over there?

iluv r3dtub3

New Member
we prob get about 6 good months out of the year so it is ok to grow but we get realy cold for a week realy hot another week rofl 60 degrees 1 week 90 degrees next it is weard rofl never now what is going to happen!!!


Well-Known Member
Well those strains I mentioned can deal with the temp change and I think if you start them early (April, or Even March if you can manage to grow them large enough) indoors with CFL's until they're old enough to continue vegging outdoors (mid-May-ish) then they can start flowering earlier. You could even simulate flowering earlier than the season by putting black bags over your girls earlier than the sunsets in later summer. Putting black bags over your girls is also a good idea because you can put a metal container with hot water in side the bag with your plant and drop some dry ice in there and seal your plant in there with the CO2 vapor :) it'll give your plants a boost of air they like while also suffocating any pests hiding on/near your plant inside the bag


Im in wa as well. havnt done outdoor but done lots of research on witch strain for when the time comes.
Time warp and church.... Go to barns n noble, get a high times special seeds edition that came out last month they still have it right now, and show all strains bred for canada/washington.... Really reccomend it, peace brah we need more PNW outdoorz

iluv r3dtub3

New Member
rofl should be interesting to go buy a book on how to grow weed in gig harbor full of white uptite people lol 20min drive from the kp but is well worth it if it tells me how to grow outdoors in washington i like indoor but not anuf room i want more!!!!


Well-Known Member
time warp is the bomb!! i really like it and it has a smell that you will never forget!! I dealt with my plants when I got home from work and 5 hours later the smell was still on my hands and on my mind!!!
I agree With you redtuber ( pornsiter) . Washington gets some crazy weather changes from ay to day or week by week. Im located in the snohomish county and struggle just to get seeds cuz for some dumbass reason no one keeps them. they either try smoking them which ends up giving them burnt face or really bad headaches or they just thow thm out.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
African Sativas are pretty hardcore and can tolerate frost fairly well. Maybe try to locate short season cultivars, like some pure Afghani...or crosses of the two...


Well-Known Member
they either try smoking them [seeds] which ends up giving them burnt face or really bad headaches or they just thow thm out.
That is just plain sad...

Why are there so many pathetically stupid people? I feel like Idiocracy is already happening...

iluv r3dtub3

New Member
ya man it is only sept and it is in the 50s at night and 60s during the day not good for growing way to cold but idn it has been a cold summer becuse there is a cold winer comming next summer might be warmer i hope!!! i was thining about growing ice starting it in march inside let it grow tell may so 2 months inside to let it have a beeter chance to survive the cold i just dont now what floros to use and i got a small area but i think i can start 5 ice plants to get ready for the outdoors i picked ice becuse it can grow indoor and outdoor and is a cross of northern lights so it has a chance to be resealiant to the cold i just hope that it can grow and next summer is in the 70s-80s and 60 at night get a nice summer!!!!

iluv r3dtub3

New Member
i got no problem geting seeds rofl the bud out here is great it is just all grown indoor and i dont want to risk my parents finding a plant would not be a fun day =[

iluv r3dtub3

New Member
i am thinking aobut goin with northern lights it is more yeild and less smell i tihnk it will be more resilant to the cold 2 perfect strained to grow in washington


Well-Known Member
i am thinking aobut goin with northern lights it is more yeild and less smell i tihnk it will be more resilant to the cold 2 perfect strained to grow in washington
Hey dude, I've got a Big Blue growing right now which is a cross between Blueberry and Northen Lights #5 and the smell is not strong at all, unless you get right up in its koolaid
Its f---in gorgeous :grin:

if you wanna see it, its in my current 2nd grow link in sig

iluv r3dtub3

New Member
dose it do good in the cold and are you still in veging or how far into flowering becuse the aroma might get stronger and were did you get the seed sounds like a good straind and tasty i love koolaid!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey iluv, I got 10 of the Big Blue seeds from a dispensary in SF, CA. I think they sell them online from BC Seed Co. tho. I put 1 seed out on June 1st and it has grown into my largest lady (in a 15-gal container). It began flowering on 8/17/10 and is still going without a smell unless you get up close. I've LST her so she can be stealthy but she's growing fatty buds as part of her genetics is to grow large buds that smell like apparently like blueberry koolaid :grin: Yes, she loves outdoors and yes, she loves cold weather but can also stand temps up to 90 degrees oh various days without showing any signs of unhappiness. It's my favorite strain so far :)

OH, 1 important thing though, I'm growing all organic in soil medium and I think that may also be affecting my plants in a more positive way


Well-Known Member
there is no one strain that is 100% resistant to frost because we know that cold can kill any plant.
but i think that if you stick with a strain that has purple genetics you should be fine.