Plants super healthy, until you touch them ... then they suddenly wilt !!?!


As the title says, plants are perfectly healthy, until you touch them... Seriously like just gently inspect them for bugs or whatever, or simply rotate them ( for better light coverage ). They INSTANTLY (as in less than 10 seconds ) wilt right before your eyes ( only the stems ), the leaves are fine, the stems are not rotting or anything like that.

Could be a strain? The same strain, same setup, did exactly the same thing, last time around.
Its a bit annoying having 3ft tall plants suddenly become 1ft tall as soon as you touch them....

Any clues?


Weed Modifier
I've heard of plants reacting to us but that seem out of this it is you please don't visit my just for fun.


RIU Bulldog
I over did it and ended up spiting the main stem !!!! To agressive. If he is new at it I would just go with the fan Idea and bend them back and forth a few time will work fine!
Its not that hard. I know the first time I crimped my stems tho, and it made that crush noise, I cringed. I was like "fuck! what did i do!" But then they bounce back better than before.

gonna need pics to diagnose this one, but it sounds like your plants are just weak. Growing indoors is like a spa for plants. If you dont "work them out" occasionally, they grow frail and weak.
Take 20 minutes everyother day to get in the garden and bend and crimp those plants to give them an early strength boost.
Bending just involves GENTLY bending the stems over as horizontal as they can go without snapping, left and right. Do this to all plants, all the way up the stem. If you do it right your plants will go limp like if theyre outta breath.
Crimping is when you take your thumb and forefinger and GENTLY crush the stem of your plants all the way up the stem. When you do it right youll hear a sound like if you were popping your knukles.

I usually do bending and crimping right before I have to water. Get some more info before you try this. i didnt feel like typing out ever last detail, and you could fuck up your plant if you dont know what your doing. Also, an oscillating fan blowing on you plants strengthen the stems too, though not as much as manual manipulation.

Anyway, this will harden your stems out a bit, some say it even stimulates growth.


Weed Modifier
I over did it and ended up spiting the main stem !!!! To agressive. If he is new at it I would just go with the fan Idea and bend them back and forth a few time will work fine!


RIU Bulldog
As the title says, plants are perfectly healthy, until you touch them... Seriously like just gently inspect them for bugs or whatever, or simply rotate them ( for better light coverage ). They INSTANTLY (as in less than 10 seconds ) wilt right before your eyes ( only the stems ), the leaves are fine, the stems are not rotting or anything like that.

Could be a strain? The same strain, same setup, did exactly the same thing, last time around.
Its a bit annoying having 3ft tall plants suddenly become 1ft tall as soon as you touch them....

Any clues?
Doing some research on your question I came across something interesting. Does this sound like anything your going through?

-Healthy dark green foliage
-Leaves lose luster, weak scrawny branches
-Leaf margins turn rusty brown, curl up and dry
-Older leaves turn yellow and develope rust colored blotches
-Leaves curl up, rots develop, old leaves drop
-Flowering retarded and diminished greatly

If so those are signs of potassium deficiency.

Also check out this web site and go to where it shows the zinc dif. That might be it. The common denominator im seeing in all these is a slow absorption of minerals due to salt build up. Flush your medium and water with a full strength fertilizer. Then again, if im wrong and its a nutrient TOXICITY, then fertilizer will only make things worse. Like i said, hard to diagnose w/o pics