Multi-Layered Closet

Here's the basic idea: Take a small closet and literally use as much space as possible. Meaning, making it multi layered, two or three feet before another layer begins.

This would be for clones and things of that nature. Think it could work?
Building in shelves every so feet.. Place plants on the shelf, have a light attatched to the above shelf. It's hard to explain, but I was just trying to get the basic idea of it out. Only thing I have to work with is a pretty small closet, so spent some time trying to figure out how I could get the most out of it, and came up with this. Just wondering if anyone has done something similar or what sort of problems I'd be looking at.


Active Member
I tried that as well and was hoping for some saved space. It ended up getting toooo hot. and it was also hard to control each individual shelf because they all gave off heat. hope this helps

best of luck

Building in shelves every so feet.. Place plants on the shelf, have a light attatched to the above shelf. It's hard to explain, but I was just trying to get the basic idea of it out. Only thing I have to work with is a pretty small closet, so spent some time trying to figure out how I could get the most out of it, and came up with this. Just wondering if anyone has done something similar or what sort of problems I'd be looking at.
I don't know the exact deminsions of the closet, but a rough estimate would be 5'x3'x9'... Ish. I was wanting to make it into a Clone Closet where I could flower a selected amount of clones every two weeks, like getting a perpetual harvest going.

Yah, I was worried about heat, but I think I'm going with some high output T5s. I've never worked with them before, though, so I'm not sure how hot they get.


Active Member
Yeah T5 would be the way to go in that setup but you will definitely have a height issue. Get a portable AC unit on a timer if you have the cash to keep the temps down...a dual layer ScrOG would be sweet.


Active Member
i had an ac height was an issue. woulda been nice tho.try a tent maybe,that would help you perpetuate!! get a 3x3x5 tent if possible use that as your flowering box, split the closet in two use the top samller portion for clones the warmth may help root the cuttings and use the bottom (larger )portion for vegging.??? use t5s for the clones and veg box . then you can run whatever you want in your tent t5s 400 watt hid's maybe even a 600w!! just rambling but hope it help the thought...puff....puff...
Yeah T5 would be the way to go in that setup but you will definitely have a height issue. Get a portable AC unit on a timer if you have the cash to keep the temps down...a dual layer ScrOG would be sweet.
Oh hey, that's a good idea hahah. I originally had the idea of doing a SOG, never though about trying out a ScrOG.. I might have to go ahead and order an AC unit. Heat has been my biggest worry up to now.

Edit: That's a really good idea with the grow tent, I was worried that a T5 wouldn't pack the punch needed for the flowering stage. Only concern with that, again, is fitting enough clones to flower. Unless I got a few small tents... In which case, it'd be a pretty crazy grow, hahah.


Active Member
what yu should do is make a replica of your closet on paint, on your computer...and show us your idea n paint so we can help you out...but thats just my opinion
Yessir, I sure do.

5 fem WW seeds, 2ft two bulb High Output T5 (x2), Fox Farm trio (Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom). As far as temperature control goes, I don't have anything, but I'm now considering buying a portable AC unit.

Hahah, I've tried to paint a diagram, believe me, it just didn't come out too well... I'll see what I can do, though.


Active Member
no the t5s probably wont pack the punch but a HID lamp would. 400 watts in a 3x3x5 tent use 1.5 gallon pots in flowering 5 in pots for vegging. should get about 20-28gs per pot and you can fit ....... maybe 12 in the tent perfect nu or do i plant per week to perpetuate 2 at the max.
Oh hey, that's a good idea hahah. I originally had the idea of doing a SOG, never though about trying out a ScrOG.. I might have to go ahead and order an AC unit. Heat has been my biggest worry up to now.

Edit: That's a really good idea with the grow tent, I was worried that a T5 wouldn't pack the punch needed for the flowering stage. Only concern with that, again, is fitting enough clones to flower. Unless I got a few small tents... In which case, it'd be a pretty crazy grow, hahah.
I have crappy paint skills, so I just went ahead and drew a rough sketch of it out. Some of the sizing isn't proportional, but you'll see the basic image, haha.

For flowering, I was wondering if getting some of the 8 red bulb High Output T5 would be a good enough substitute. I spent a lot of time trying to find something solid on T5s and only spotted a few grows that were really on par with HPS grows. I kinda want to put the test to them and see what they're capable of.

It comes with hangers, I'm sure I can get creative enough to make something that could make the height of the light adjustable.


RIU Bulldog
I have a closet that is 3x3x8
What I ended up doing was spliting it into two compartments. Split in half horiziontally, the top 4 ft, is for my flowering stage. I use a 400 watt air cooled hps for flowering, I put the the flowering stage on top becasue heat rises but you could just as easily put it on the bottom. I ScrOG, have to to get a good yield.
The bottom 4 ft compartment is my mother/clone/veg room. i use a 200watt CFL grow light. And just make things more difficult, I use soil and a drip system. I grow six to eight females at any one time.

Issues youll have to deal with is work space. Theres not a lot of room to work in a closet. Heats a big one. Venting is difficult too. Your gonna have to crawl around the attic and do some creative work.
How your gonna fill and empty your resovoir is something you should think about before you throw everything in there. Smell too. Likely your closet is somewhere in the middle of your room so smells gonna waft around. Im luck enough to have a bathroom in my room so i dont have to make a three compartment grow room in a small ass closet. Two is challenging enough.
Good luck