Rollitup Transforming into Google/Elementary School??

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
So I sit on rollitup. Read some threads. Smoke a bowl. Laugh at the FEW FEW FEW good topics left. Maybe join in.

But it's becoming more of a rare thing to post.

I mean what's the point? Everyone just treats toke n talk like fucking Google. With all the ridiculous questions we are EXPECTED TO ANSWER...for some fucking reason...but guess what happens if we don't?

"self bump 4 my threadz lolz omfgdsxzz!!!! what"

Boom and there it is again.

Or better yet. The children. The obvious "under 18s". The ones that have nothing to contribute but spam and thoughtless troll like opinions on subjects and matters they have no idea in. Here is a concept...GO OUTSIDE! Your fucking 16. Go fuck some slutty girls or go vandalize some shit. Hell go smoke a bowl and take a fucking nap. Just stay away from here. Why am I on here right now? Can't sleep and I work so I can sit here and waste my free time...or what little there is. What's your excuse?

So I know this won't accomplish anything...but please leave.

I am asking nicely for all you chodes and children to just go. Go to or Leave the wasting of time and the cluttering of forums to the adults please. I know I am not the only one skipping RIU days at a time because every time I log in it's garbage threads with stupid kids in them.

I really like it here. But it is getting out of hand. I understand this is for EVERYONE...but it's not. It's for everyone over 18. It isn't because you need to be 18 to view our's because you lack the maturity and respect to contribute to anything remotely intelligent.

Fuck off trolls. LEAVE!



P.S. Enjoy the bouncy titties. If you agree maybe drop me some +rep.

P.P.S. Fdd...I know you'll see this. This isn't a flame and I know it adds to the clutter. But could you remove some of the junk every other day or so?

Fuck if you can't then let me do a little moderation on just the toke n talk forums. I'll keep it productive...or at least fun.


Well-Known Member
i agree. the shit i've seen, and thats only today. some threads start out kind of productive, but then you get the bullshitters in talkin out the side of their neck startin shit, etc. o well.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
i agree. the shit i've seen, and thats only today. some threads start out kind of productive, but then you get the bullshitters in talkin out the side of their neck startin shit, etc. o well.
It's not even about the posts. It's about the threads. I can choose not to read a post...but when I am lookin for an interesting thread and all I see is..

"How do I make my weed smell like strawberries..." I just go really? Really?


Well-Known Member
I agree and Toke n talk has been dead for awhile now.
it seems like once all the original/older members left/got banned it fell apart.


Well-Known Member
It's not even about the posts. It's about the threads. I can choose not to read a post...but when I am lookin for an interesting thread and all I see is..

"How do I make my weed smell like strawberries..." I just go really? Really?
or "my cousin wants to know what you think of him" or "how do i make meth"

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I agree and Toke n talk has been dead for awhile now.
it seems like once all the original/older members left/got banned it fell apart.

Ya...I noticed a lot of people have been going away to other forums lately. Or getting banned completely. I guess that makes US the seniors now...


Active Member
Thats what it's like these days man, I mean people have nothing better to do, admitadley I am here because I am at work and it is very boring, so I usually scan the threads and forums on this site for info or a laugh. Unfortunately there is no controlling on here, it is literally impossible. Only after the thread has been posted can it be monitored.

There are deffinately some unnecessary threads on here though, I honestly I spend quite a bit of time in the Toke 'n Talk section. I guess I just jump the stupid looking threads!

But like you said, unless you are after some info, if noone answers to your thread it's probably because it fucking sucked! It is probably better if you just let it die, and not bumpidty bump bump it!


I completely agree with you Kodank, especially skipping days because nothing is worth reading. All anyone simply has to do is think if it is really worth posting your two cents just to post, or if you are really contributing. I for one haven't posted much because usually it just isn't necessary from what ever has already been said, or I don't want to just add my say just to say it.

On a side note maybe the "bad" posters on Toke n Talk just aren't stoned enough to post anything of interest :shock: and if that's the case that's just sad...


Well-Known Member
Agreed as well Kodank, I been here awhile and it has been less than fun to watch my favorite website inundated with trivial pre-pubescent bullshit. Unfortunatly most of the older guys are either in jail or have moved on. There is nothing we can do other than to sit back and watch it burn:twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted:


Well-Known Member
I guess im the only one who will dissent a tad bit here. They are new, we all once were. Your not forced to actually read it like you said and it takes up one slot out of 20 in the new posts options or respective forums. At least they bump them instead of going and starting a bunch of duplicate threads, but i hear ya on them doing it so often and every once in a while you'll see those posts that almost hurt to read like you said. I usually just go and find them a link or 2 to some relevent info on what they need. I mean you absolutely no offense or anything like that with ive said, i just wanted to let my opinion be heard.
you are completly right about everyone jumping ship. fdd is the only person i can think of thats on here like everyday who was here when i started.

You can edit your own posts, go to edit post and then youll see an go advanced button, click on that and it will go to the advanced edit screen, just make your changes and hit save. Thatts all it takes.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I remeber netpirate and son of man etc. Used to have fun posting. But ya I know we were all new at some point and I've posted my share of shit topics. But some are just so thoughtless and uninteresting. They aren't topics adult smokers tend to post. I can't get into them. It's eh. Whatever. I just wanted to get it out there. Glad to know im not alone.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been here too long, but I do understand what you're saying. But as our hobby becomes more accessible with the advent of cheaper and cooler indoor growing equipment, it's inevitable some young 'uns are going to become interested and crowd the forums. Hell, if CFLs were around when I was a teen... Anyway, like mentioned earlier, we have all started some sorry threads and probably still will ;) In the meantime, I'll be chipping away at the walls waiting for the gems to show themselves.


Well-Known Member
I guess im the only one who will dissent a tad bit here. They are new, we all once were. Your not forced to actually read it like you said and it takes up one slot out of 20 in the new posts options or respective forums. At least they bump them instead of going and starting a bunch of duplicate threads, but i hear ya on them doing it so often and every once in a while you'll see those posts that almost hurt to read like you said. I usually just go and find them a link or 2 to some relevent info on what they need. I mean you absolutely no offense or anything like that with ive said, i just wanted to let my opinion be heard.
you are completly right about everyone jumping ship. fdd is the only person i can think of thats on here like everyday who was here when i started.

You can edit your own posts, go to edit post and then youll see an go advanced button, click on that and it will go to the advanced edit screen, just make your changes and hit save. Thatts all it takes.
I cannot believe that you have been a member only 30 days more than I and have 8 times the amount of posts as I do...Do you secretly live here?


Active Member
Who fucking cares? You fucking cry worse than the ones your fucking cring about!
You need to grow the fuck up period, you controll you, no one else does!
Dont like the way its going, you need to fucking leave! Fuck, some kid's parents!


Well-Known Member
lol, I've been here a long time, but ive seen members here for only a 2-3 months get into the 3-4000 range plenty of times. lol, and even more in the 1000-2000 range after a month or two. My post per day ratio is actually rather low. rough estimate ive been here around 550 days total, so if i divide total number of posts by total number of days I get about 15 posts a day.


Well-Known Member
i have a 1.76 post per day. but i didn't start posting till about two years after my join date i guess.