First grow/Post! Purple Urkle


Whats up people, new to this forum, so decided what better way to start off than with a grow log. Nothing insane here, just something that's going to get me some personnel, and doing it more for the love of mary jane.

So in the middle of getting my box together, its going to be 3'4''x3'x4' Running two 30w t12's, going to be mounting some 40w in there once it comes down to flowering. 3/3 of my Urkle's have germinated so got those bad boys, under 24 hours of light. Will post pics of my finish box within the next couple days. Here is how i got them for now.

Lights are about 1.5'' from the tops, That pic is from yesterday where two of my seeds had germinated, the third one popped today.


Update! Two of my three seeds have popped the soil, just need to REACH FOR THE LIGHT!!!! Going out now, to get some Daylight tubes, only had the cool white's at Canadian Tire. Should have pics up in a couple hours of the new box :D.


Well-Known Member
lmaoooooo. Man I'm fucking stoned. I apologize and must agree in that case. Plants would in fact be nice!


Well-Known Member
No, we're just saying it would be nice to see the sprouts in the pots, not just the pots. :-) I thought he was being a sarcastic ass for a second too...just read it wrong.


They didn't sprout yet, was just showing how i get them from now, haha ill throw more pics up in a bit. Taking a smoke break from box building. Got 5000k tubes, for some reason can't find 6500k anywhere, and also grabbed another 42w 6500k cfl.

Respects Magnificient


Active Member
first of all your not suposed to coimment in peoples grow journals unless they ask, and im sure he didnt ask for the sarcasm. nice setup bro, keep it up.


Update time: Box is pretty much finished just got to paint it, cock the insides and hang the lights. Gonna figure out some kind of door for it, but I'm running 24 hours so not worried bout that right now. Box is 3'1''x2'x4' the 36'' fits in very nicely, got a half inch on each side. Plus we got some 42w 6500 to mount on the side.

Now for the babies. 3 of 3 are up, one is about a day and a half behind

First one to pop, Day 4 since i planted. Think i over-watered a bit but not too concerned.

Baby number 2!! Looking pretty good, also on Day 4.

Baby 3!! On Day 3 since potted. The cotyledon's are a little yellowed, but i think it's because my taproot pushed my seed above the soil, trying to go down. It got a little crispy haha. Anyways fuck it on to the pics!

Will have more up in a couple days! Thanks for watching! Keep it Green

Peace and Pot


So, maybe you said this already, but what soil are you using or planning on using?
Right now they are just in Alltreat potting soil, its the same price as MG just without the plant feed (which burned my last ones a bit). Once i transplant them into the 3gallons i will be picking up Fox Farms, or Pro-mix.


Update time!! The box is almost done! Relocated the babies to their new home. Got all the chains hanged up for the lights. Just got to install the 4'' exhaust ducting and the 6'' intake ducting. Got another 42w today but it turns out it doesn't work, just burnt out when I screwed it in. That's why there is only one 42w for now, will be going back down on Wednesday to get the other 42w CFL exchanged for a working one.

Going to pick up a 8'' air circulator to mount on the inside of the room, just got the fan like that for now. Also Got Panda film that will be turned into a door.

On to the babies! This one is on Day 8 since planted

This lil baby is also on Day 8

And for the runt.. Day 7 since planted. So tiny, but getting his 2nd set of leafs. This one got pushed out of the soil by the taproot a little bit, so it got cooked a little.

Picked up some new soil and got vegging nutes, which i will prob start adding at a 1/4 strength next watering. Going to wait another week or two before i transplant into 3 gallons.

Well i think that pretty much covers it for now, any comments are appreciated. Keep it green.

Peace and pot

l.s.d smoker

Active Member
Update time!! The box is almost done! Relocated the babies to their new home. Got all the chains hanged up for the lights. Just got to install the 4'' exhaust ducting and the 6'' intake ducting. Got another 42w today but it turns out it doesn't work, just burnt out when I screwed it in. That's why there is only one 42w for now, will be going back down on Wednesday to get the other 42w CFL exchanged for a working one.

Going to pick up a 8'' air circulator to mount on the inside of the room, just got the fan like that for now. Also Got Panda film that will be turned into a door.

On to the babies! This one is on Day 8 since planted

This lil baby is also on Day 8

And for the runt.. Day 7 since planted. So tiny, but getting his 2nd set of leafs. This one got pushed out of the soil by the taproot a little bit, so it got cooked a little.

Picked up some new soil and got vegging nutes, which i will prob start adding at a 1/4 strength next watering. Going to wait another week or two before i transplant into 3 gallons.

Well i think that pretty much covers it for now, any comments are appreciated. Keep it green.

Peace and pot
hi there good work. always liked the look ov the purple strains. why r you going to have a larger in take then out take?. your out take should always be the bigger a small fan will be spot on in the box yav built for ya intake your larger fan will eliminate the heat so thats why a nice small fan to replace the air going owt, just position ya out take at top and intake other side on bottom so the fresh air coming in draws up threw plants and tha will d the trick. a know loads ov growers and never known any 1 use ther in take and out take the way your suggesting, a dont want to sound like a dick just passing on sum info...... keep the piks cuming al b following threw out.