Wana get laid by hot chicks


Well-Known Member
Okay guys we have been talking about this in another
thread but it thought I would start a new one. Are you In need of a good vacation? One that is cheap and you can get fucked and sucked 24/7 by beautifull women? And not by chicks who think they are hot but are really not?......Im a avid woman watcher and Im not blind and I do know the diffrence between hot and not. My pet peeve is girls that you wouldn't even think twice about giving a second look or even jerking off in there face thinking they are the shit. no what I mean?......Any way Pattaya Thailand is the place to go. The food is cheap booze is cheap and the women are hot and cheap. The draw back drugs are pricey and you can get shot for being in possesion. Now you can have a diffrent girl everynight for a month for 30 - 40 us/can. If they piss you off kickem to the curb. Check out Pattaya Gogo Bars - A Guide to their Websites It has lots of the good gogo bars. They are just strip clubs and all girls have a number so if you see one you like call the mammasun over and she will hook you up. You can have 10 - 20 girls at once if thats what you like but that gets pricey. You have to pay the bar fine to the mamasun for the girls and that depends on how long you want 5 min(for the chumps) 30 min all day, night or week or month. Now these girls come work at these joints to support there families most of them are poor farmers so the fathers borrow money from the gogo's and there daughters work it off. Some just like to do it also. A beer is somewhere around a buck and full steak dinner with drinks is 15 or so. Now there are not to many laws there unlike the us/can that claim to be free countries. We have rules for everthing here even fucking jay walking. Thats a free county? Thailand you jay walk and get hit by a car and die...thats your fault. You see people on motor bikes with no helmet the next corner they crashed and are dead. Wear a lid common sense but still thats freedom. When you die over there they have a huge party for you. They get a huge wood pile throw you on and party for days none of this crying shit they cellebrate your life. I think thats the way it should be myself. So check it out and let me know what you think.


New Member
and wtf does this have to do with growing pot?

ever seen the movie "hostel"?
have fun with all those "Hot chicks"......:spew:tell me if her dick is bigger than yours. lol

The draw back drugs are pricey and you can get shot for being in possession.?!?!?!
wtf is this shit? lol why you want to go somewhere where you will be shot for smoking a joint? doesn't sound like a good vacation if you ask me, why do I want to go somewhere for pussy when I can get that at home? lol
i can get steaks cooked @ home for around $5 apeice, and they are a lot better than a restaurants....grilled all day. yea....
and beer night at the bar here is always $1 anyways.(i like shine more anyways..lol) I can get whores from $5 to $200, or i can get pussy that looks great and hasn't been passed around the room for free.

move to the back hills of the Carolina mountains. for all the joys life has to offer.


Well-Known Member
if i went to thailand i woiuld already have my carry along pussy wityh me ;)

and me and her would go straight to an opium den


Well-Known Member
I been to Pattaya, in the marines we trained there with the thai marines than we got are liberty at pattaya, thats a wild place, I went into this place it was the same as rush hour there was a glass window with a hundred chicks with numbers, you just sit there on leather recliners while some waiters serve hienekens, smoke, cigars, mixed drinks what ever you want. I remember I went to this go go bar with chicks dressed kinda like kittens, I told myself before i went in i wasnt going to get a chick till the end of the night......god damm if the first girl got me lol but she was fine. I saw alot of old dudes from Aus and europe with young chicks on their arm....kinda creppy but whatever. I knew this guy that bought like 8 chicks at one time lol. It was good time but I actually had better time going out to bars in other foriegn countries and picking up chicks the old fashioned way. Oh yeah I had local dude come up to me asking if i wanted to buy some weed on the street......this guy pulled a bag...this thing had to weigh more than a 2 pounds,lol I cant remember how much he wanted for it but it was like maybe 50 bucks.......the sex shows are the craziest stories . I could go on about those crazy crazy.......I try not even tell my friends back home about Thailand....you know shit gets around and chicks find out and then they think your some kida of dirt bag.......but i don't care who you are your going to bang some chicks over there.....you just cant help yourself.....Iv told a couple of my friends and there jaws just drop when im telling this shit........But if you want to go somewhere where wildest dreams I mean your wildest dreams can come true go there.......you want to hear more stories...maybe I'll do another post


New Member
I been to Pattaya, in the marines we trained there with the thai marines than we got are liberty at pattaya, thats a wild place, I went into this place it was the same as rush hour there was a glass window with a hundred chicks with numbers, you just sit there on leather recliners while some waiters serve hienekens, smoke, cigars, mixed drinks what ever you want. I remember I went to this go go bar with chicks dressed kinda like kittens, I told myself before i went in i wasnt going to get a chick till the end of the night......god damm if the first girl got me lol but she was fine. I saw alot of old dudes from Aus and europe with young chicks on their arm....kinda creppy but whatever. I knew this guy that bought like 8 chicks at one time lol. It was good time but I actually had better time going out to bars in other foriegn countries and picking up chicks the old fashioned way. Oh yeah I had local dude come up to me asking if i wanted to buy some weed on the street......this guy pulled a bag...this thing had to weigh more than a 2 pounds,lol I cant remember how much he wanted for it but it was like maybe 50 bucks.......the sex shows are the craziest stories . I could go on about those crazy crazy.......I try not even tell my friends back home about Thailand....you know shit gets around and chicks find out and then they think your some kida of dirt bag.......but i don't care who you are your going to bang some chicks over there.....you just cant help yourself.....Iv told a couple of my friends and there jaws just drop when im telling this shit........But if you want to go somewhere where wildest dreams I mean your wildest dreams can come true go there.......you want to hear more stories...maybe I'll do another post

Thats about the same thing they tell you in Hostel lol
recruiter alert...........


Well-Known Member
If im ever single again I gauratee im going to move there everthing is so relaxed. Now if you pick up the street walkers there is a good chance you will get a lady boy and they are fuckin hard to tell the diffrence. I don't think the gogo's employ such as It would ruin buisness. Also most hotels take the girls ID from them and they get It back when they leave that way you can't get ripped off. Post your stories here if ya like nothing better than a good old fashion fuck story.....


Well-Known Member
Thats about the same thing they tell you in Hostel lol
recruiter alert...........
Fuck I could give a fuck if you go there.......I didnt pay shit for my trip lol the fucking government sent me lol............the other guy is prob a recruiter but evrthing i told you really happened, But like i said I dont want to go back, I d rather find some pussy that makes you fell like you accomplished something......you can look at my prevouis posts on RIU you can tell i ant no recruiter


New Member
Fuck I could give a fuck if you go there.......I didnt pay shit for my trip lol the fucking government sent me lol............the other guy is prob a recruiter but evrthing i told you really happened, But like i said I dont want to go back, I d rather find some pussy that makes you fell like you accomplished something......you can look at my prevouis posts on RIU you can tell i ant no recruiter
well fuck im just high and amusing myself and thought i'd make a joke and just wondering why we are talking about fucking girls in the grow room thread? we have threads elsewhere for that.:?


Well-Known Member
^^ lol..... get yourself a hot chick.... ^^

And dont forget to budget some drinks for the lady's aswell :P


Well-Known Member
Pssh, who needs to pay for some cheap ass slut, just move to Australia the ladies love an accent here and they like to do things in pairs.


Well-Known Member
Ok I know boys will be boys and all. But there are a few of us females on the site and as someone commented earlier - yes to women it just makes you look like a dirt bag. At least to this woman.

First off - your gonna rot your penis off. Thai prostitutes are known for rampant STD's - hope your smart enough to use a condom. Even if you do, you can still walk away with herpes or warts.

Second (and this is the part that bothers me as female) - you stated in your post most of these girls are there working off money borrowed by thier fathers. HELLO - what would we call that in the US? A father pimping out his kid - child abuse/molestation? And don't even try to say they are 18 - that's bullshit and you know it. If they are 18 - they are veteran prostitues.

I'm not a prude by any means, but forced prostitution seems pretty close to rape.


Well-Known Member
Ok I know boys will be boys and all. But there are a few of us females on the site and as someone commented earlier - yes to women it just makes you look like a dirt bag. At least to this woman.

First off - your gonna rot your penis off. Thai prostitutes are known for rampant STD's - hope your smart enough to use a condom. Even if you do, you can still walk away with herpes or warts.

Second (and this is the part that bothers me as female) - you stated in your post most of these girls are there working off money borrowed by thier fathers. HELLO - what would we call that in the US? A father pimping out his kid - child abuse/molestation? And don't even try to say they are 18 - that's bullshit and you know it. If they are 18 - they are veteran prostitues.

I'm not a prude by any means, but forced prostitution seems pretty close to rape.
I think it's more like slavery. It's raping a slave. Talk about reprehensible.

YouTube - Stop The Traffick - Cambodia