My First Grow with CFL's (White Widow)


Hey everyone. This will be my first attempt at indoor growing. I feel like Ive read every thread on this message board and now Im set to use my knowledge(thanks to all your teachings)and put everything in action.

For the Basics

4 Feminized White widow Seeds

2.25' X 2.25' X 4' (so roughly 5 square feet)

Right now Im using between 6-8 26w 6500k CFL's (two are in reflectors)

2 7" Fans (Exhaust at the top left, intake at the bottom right)

The box is completely covered in mylar

Timer is set on 18/6

Right now im using MG potting soil, but after reading so many negatives Im going to go to the local nursery and buy their "special" mix";-)

The temp stays between 78-84 F with the highest reading at 86 and the lowest being 75. Humidity stays between 30-40

Using water that has a Ph of 6.5


So I Germinated the four seeds in a wet paper towel between two plates and left it on top of a hot water bottle. Two split after 2 days and the other two split a day later.

The two that split first (Madison and Taylor) are now on their 5th day since sprouting. They both look pretty healthy to me. The other two however have been planted for about 6 days and have not sprouted. I poked around a little and it just seems like it wasnt taking to the soil. The taproot was around 1/2'' long, and didn't look like it was making an attempt to root.

Like I said, this is my first grow, so any suggestions or criticism will be appreciated. Thanks guys!


Update time boys and girls.....and question time.

So despite having identical conditions ( same strain, same planting and sprouting time, same watering schedule, same proximity to lights ect) they look pretty different. Madison has thick leaves and look very healthy, whereas Taylor has skinny leaves that are drooping. Taylor has a nice green color, but i cant figure out why she looks so different. This is day 7 for them BTW.

The two later germination's that have been planted for around 8 days, have just started to show life and have popped. However Jordan can seem to shake her seed cover, and Riley has a weird bent stem. Any suggestions?




Its just reg miracle grow until i transfer em....there are holes cut out at the bottom for drainage. I actually watered it yesterday morning. Its just weird how the other plant is doin fantastic and they are in identical situations


thanks you suggest transplanting once more into a 3 gallon pot, or should i got to a 1 gallon first and then to a 3 gallon?

Ive read a ton of different views, but i wanna try and keep this grow as stress free for them as i can.


Thanks again berry......i was plannin on waiting until they were about 2 weeks old, do you think i should transfer them a little earlier?


Quick update for whoever may be watching....and by the way, please feel free to join in and post pics if you want...anything goes here guys.

I transplanted Madison and Taylor into bigger pots last night, however when i went to the nursery, they only had 3 gallon and 5 gallon pots for sale. So i had to jump up to 3 gallon pots instead of going to 1 gallon first like i was going to do. Hopefully there isnt too much stress and they start growin up fast. Madison looks the better or the two, and Taylor is still growin okay, but her leaves are still curled downwards.

Jordan and Riley have sprouted as well, but they arent lookin so good. Both of their first leaves are yellow at the tips, and there just seems to be something wrong.

Temperature is still staying between 75-84F




Update Time

The 2 little ones have pretty much died off. The leaves were withered and dry and upon further inspection, their roots were only like 2 inches long. Not a big worry though as I think its better to be able to to concentrate on these two plants, especially since its my first time.
