what is wrong..... random dieing leaves


004.jpg008.jpg006.jpg005.jpg007.jpg011.jpg013.jpg015.jpg002.jpg014.jpg009.jpg012.jpg010.jpg001.jpgthe pant is growing... there is four of them all same strain and same conditions same fert sameish phand003.jpg three of them have random dieing leaves...


Well-Known Member
From the pics, everything looks wet so I think you need to watch your humidity levels.

Don't water so much and don't use fertilizers for at least a week or two.


everything looks we cuz had just sprayed.... if the smoking has hurt the plants then why is one not have problems????


its not like a fert with cig ash... dont smoke in that room much just happened to have it when walked in and put it out right there..... not a normal proceger


so basiclly yall are saying that one cig but is killing leaves on three plants but not effecting the fourth?!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
OK man, none of those plants look all that healthy so you might want to stop putting cig butts out in the soil.

And I would not spray anything on the plants, a lot of people like to foliar feed their plants but I never do. I always apply the food through the soil and it has always worked for me.

A couple of question...

What kind of soil are you using?
What kind of nutrients are you using? (Organic or Synthetic)
What kind of light are they getting? (Looks like some kind of greenhouse to me but I don't know about anything else)


t5 4foot 4 bulb and three led pannels
jungle growth organic soil
organic butes "blood/bone meal and slow release"


Well-Known Member
t5 4foot 4 bulb and three led pannels
jungle growth organic soil
organic butes "blood/bone meal and slow release"
OK, I have never heard of Jungle growth but I am assuming it is a decent soil with some trace nutrients so that is a good start.

Also, your plants really are not big enough to be adding heavy ammounts of any kind of fertilizer so I would hold off on that until the nutes from your soil is depleted. When the time comes make sure you read the directions and measure out exactly the ammount of Nutes per gallon that you are feeding. Get yourself a teaspoon/ tablespoon measure and be ACCURATE! Also make sure that when you do start adding nutrients that you follow a feeding program, most companies will say to feed one week then water the next 2 weeks, then feed again and so on and so forth.

I still think you may be over- watering the plants as well. Stick your finger into the soil from time to time to check for moisture, you want the soil to dry out a little bit until you water again. Many people on here think that they need to water every single day but that is just not the case. If you water too much then you will "flush out" the nutrients before the plant even has time to take them in.

Don't handle your plants too much man, sometimes the best thing to do is just leave them alone!