how to cool down my grow space?! would love some help please :)


alright lads, just wondering how i can cool down my cupboard which is where i am growing my weed, because i am using a 600w hps in there, and it gets extremely hot and i am guessing that the temperature of the cupboard gets well past 26 degrees. Bare in mind i do not want to have to buy extractor fans or any of that because this is a stealthhy sneaky grow i dont want people in my house to seee it. thanks guys happy smoking as always :joint:


Well-Known Member
do not want to have to buy extractor fans or any of that

good luck on that, you need proper ventilation and airflow if your going to grow with a system like that, maybe water cooled hoods would help, got an extra $500 lying around? not to mention your plants still needs good airflow to grow good or you'll have to use c02, which will be another couple hundred bucks as well.


do not want to have to buy extractor fans or any of that

good luck on that, you need proper ventilation and airflow if your going to grow with a system like that, maybe water cooled hoods would help, got an extra $500 lying around? not to mention your plants still needs good airflow to grow good or you'll have to use c02, which will be another couple hundred bucks as well.
you have just made me now put my lights up for sale lol i wil get cfl's, do they create alot less heat?


Well-Known Member
i had problems wiv an arjans plant that 5 weeks into flower startd sprouting little stems thru the bud!!! ive askd loads of Q's about it but never got a reply where ppl seen i b4, so, ive put it down to heat stress, when my next lots done, definatley gonna get rid of my 400hps an invest in cfl's


Active Member
i didnt have a problem with my area. i just today installed a 600w HPS and i have 1 box fan and 3 mini fans blowing around the room with an exhaust. while 2 small are air flow i have one hanging close to the 600w hps blowing striaght towards it slightly under it. and heat in my little 4x5 area just only went up 2 degrees.

just create a better air flow with a couple more fans that have the air moving all around the room and plants to help maintain heat.


Well-Known Member
My grow closet routinely hits 86 in the summer with no ill effects on my Indica strain. I run an A in the same room, have fans for intake, exhaust, etc and it just won't get cooler than 86 unless I open closet door.

I quit worrying about it.


Active Member
yeah as long as u dont reach 90+ u should be fine. and these plants were raised to live in a certain climate once it gets use to it.


Well-Known Member
Finding a blower or fan that doesn't make much noise would be easy. If you have the $ go for it. Don't skimp on ventilation.


Well-Known Member
while cfls are much cooler than hid lighting so compared to them they put out almost no heat, but that doesnt mean they dont put out a fair amount of it themselves. If you want to use cfls you will need alot of them to get close light wise to what you'd get from the hid, probally about 1200w of cfls. my 400w hps puts out 55,000 lumens and my 10 40w cfl put out 27,000. It is not hard to make the extractor and other ports stealthily, what are your dimensions of the grow area? I'm sure we can make it work for you somehow and be stealth still.


Well-Known Member
i had problems wiv an arjans plant that 5 weeks into flower startd sprouting little stems thru the bud!!! ive askd loads of Q's about it but never got a reply where ppl seen i b4, so, ive put it down to heat stress, when my next lots done, definatley gonna get rid of my 400hps an invest in cfl's
Do you have any pics? I really really really doubt it was heat stress related. Probally genetic if anything. I've seen lots of times on here where new growth points will appear in the middle of a fan leaf stem and stuff like that.
dont be cheap. you get what you pay for. if you dont pay any thing for fans ect.. your not going to get any thing worth smoking and it would all just be a waste of time


Active Member
I read about a guy putting frozen bottles/jugs in the room to tweak temperature. Thats the first thing id try.


Well-Known Member
Do you have any pics? I really really really doubt it was heat stress related. Probally genetic if anything. I've seen lots of times on here where new growth points will appear in the middle of a fan leaf stem and stuff like that.
yeah dark ive got pis but there on old threads ive startd an dont know how 2 drag them here, sorry, .

put it this way , the main top cola was goin sweet then around week 4 ish , it just grew out ino nothin but leaves an stems, it was around week 7 ( i think that i noticed, all the oher colas were just statin to do the same, so she got the chopp!!! figured i was gona end up wiv nothin if i sat it out, ended up wiv nearly 2'os


Well-Known Member
yeah dark ive got pis but there on old threads ive startd an dont know how 2 drag them here, sorry, .

put it this way , the main top cola was goin sweet then around week 4 ish , it just grew out ino nothin but leaves an stems, it was around week 7 ( i think that i noticed, all the oher colas were just statin to do the same, so she got the chopp!!! figured i was gona end up wiv nothin if i sat it out, ended up wiv nearly 2'os
Thats odd, can you link me to one of the threads?