Active Member
Easy all!
Yesterday at the world famous Notting Hill Carnival i got stopped by police, for the 3rd time in 10 minuites, for a random stop and search under Section 60 - D Offensive Weapons.
Police officer did a body search on me to find nothing, he then proceeded to take down all my details.
After he took down all my details he then decided to search my bag.
He found a total of 6 pre rolled joints, probably 2g, and a furhter 2-3g in 2 seperate baggies.
This was all for personal consumption throughout the carnival.
They tried doing me for dealing, max 2 yrs, but managed to talk my way out of it, im poretty good at getting out of situations.
On the Police stop and search slip they have me, it says;
Reason for Search? - D - Offensive weapons
Grounds of search? - D - Offensive Weapons
Outcome? 1 - No furhter action
This has miffed me, as the officer took away all my weed, put it in an evidence bag and sealed it. I also signed the evidence bag.
Yet i have no record of him actually taking away any drugs from me, or that i was in any way cautioned.
Anyone here in the Uk got any advice for me?
Something deffinately is not right here!
I think the Police took my stash and either smoked or sold it!
Yesterday at the world famous Notting Hill Carnival i got stopped by police, for the 3rd time in 10 minuites, for a random stop and search under Section 60 - D Offensive Weapons.
Police officer did a body search on me to find nothing, he then proceeded to take down all my details.
After he took down all my details he then decided to search my bag.
He found a total of 6 pre rolled joints, probably 2g, and a furhter 2-3g in 2 seperate baggies.
This was all for personal consumption throughout the carnival.
They tried doing me for dealing, max 2 yrs, but managed to talk my way out of it, im poretty good at getting out of situations.
On the Police stop and search slip they have me, it says;
Reason for Search? - D - Offensive weapons
Grounds of search? - D - Offensive Weapons
Outcome? 1 - No furhter action
This has miffed me, as the officer took away all my weed, put it in an evidence bag and sealed it. I also signed the evidence bag.
Yet i have no record of him actually taking away any drugs from me, or that i was in any way cautioned.
Anyone here in the Uk got any advice for me?
Something deffinately is not right here!
I think the Police took my stash and either smoked or sold it!