This a bit out of your price range but does appear to be a great unit from a trusted brand.
Its 500 eur.. But... looks great.
this one is 200 eur but only a 120 watt.. They say its comparable to a 400 watt hid.. So that may be the best for your space.. Hope that helps...btw htg is a good company it have an hps ballast from them that is pretty ancient. Shes running my grow right now too. has some in your price range. And it's w good brand.
Ebay is fine if you know what you're looking for. I've purchased all but two of my LED units on Ebay. All have been working great for close to a year now.stay away from ebay
Shit. Everything electronic comes from china.Those are no-name branded units. Just like mine... They get them from China, just like me. The difference is they triple their money buy selling them to you guys, I do not. lol. Pay $200 more for an older LED system, or I can hook you up with shit that will work to your expectations.
Shit. Everything electronic comes from china.
in my opinion this is the way to go with led
Haight Solid State PPF-1600 LED Grow light
300W LED Grow Light
Covers up to 4x4ft
62 - 5W and 6W wide beam LEDs
Red, deep red, and white LEDs - full spectrum
11 Joule surge suppressor
100% Solid state design - no fans and no electrolytic capacitors
120V indoor use only
15 x 20 x 2 inch
12 lbs
1 year limited warranty
Designed in the USA