Fox farm lst grow

Okay so I'm thinking that I might have bugs in my grow room! Even though I cant find any, it still looks like there are bugs feeding off the leaves on my plant. Any suggestions?

I'm so fuckin pissed, everything was going so well!


yea a cheap solution is get sticky fly strips and anything that would trap em inside ur small area...they are good cause doesnt cause any harm to ur plants...if its bad then resort to sprays...then clean ur area with vacuum so there is no bugs layin eggs or anything...then spray around ur house to keep them from coming in with something for specifically that....u kno lady bugs eat bugs and spider mites so if u get them in ur window sills sometime just throw them in ur girls house and they wont bother the plants just eat mites


had some heat stress from this past week...had to leave em for awhile and the babysitter didnt want to make sure doors were open so cool air could come in but it was only a few days...these r about 2 months old from seed....I started a shitload...shoulda gave myself a little more room...thought i had enough
Okay, I figured out the problem. There was a fly in my grow room!
So I found it, killed it, and then cleaned my whole room out with bleach.
After that I checked the plants for buds and I thought I saw like 1 or 2 little ass bugs in the dirt soooo, bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
I took out about an inch and a half of soil off the top, transplanted all 3 into bigger pots.
After transplanting them into some fresh Fox farm ocean forest I added about an inch of sand to the top of the soil so that no bugs will attack my plant.
These bugs feed off the roots of your plant so there for by adding an inch of sand to the top of the soil, the bugs assume that there are no roots dude to the conditions. I watched a video about a grower that uses this method for his cannabis plants.
So there you go! Problem fixed! I also put a shot glass with coffee in it in the grow room by the plants so if any bugs did get in my room they will be attracted to that and drown. This is also part of that method.
I feed the plants with 1/4 tsp of superthive per gallon since I transplanted to get efficient root growth.
Hope all you are stoney! I'm currently sparkin some blueberry!
Pics up in a few days.
14 days to flower!:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
Peace and pot!:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Active Member
Sweet grow CBGLEW! Good on ya for fixing that bug problem Blackberrybubba. I have my one and only plant in my basement, in a 4ft by 2 foot freezer that I have unplugged. Lights above, that reflect faily nicely on the white surfaces. Just a 40w flouroscent sunshine and a 40w grow light currently. I do have 2 150w metal halides and a pile of other stuph but I'm waiting on the electrician to square me away. High humidity in a besement on Cape Cod. She (I hope she is a she) is growing slowly. She is still in a small 4 inch pot but as soon as I see roots (I hope that is a good time) coming out the bottom, she goes into my BX Promix. I have a fan on her and she is in about 72 degrees farenheit. A little yellowing on her bottom leaves, probably from loving her too much with the rain water I have stocked up. Not sure if I should cut them off or not. I'm about to build a serious grow room so stay tuned for that. I have no idea what plant I currently have. It is practice (and I hope smoke-able) while I autodidactically study for serious growing. I am so excited! Like a little child! W99T!!!
So here is the LST progress status for the plants as of right now.
Plant 1 has 5 kola branches so far.
Plant 2 has 10!:clap:
Plant 3 has 3. :finger:

So here is the thing! These plants all sprouted within the same week! Plant 2 [super genetics] is breathe taking! Quite an amazing plant. Everything is back on track. I'm gonna try and LST as much as possible.