How well does a waterpipe/bong water actually clean the smoke?


New Member
wow your real mature lol whats the matter mommy didnt give you lunch money since its saturday so you cant go halfs on a bag with your gay friends HAHAHHA hurry up and reply to this i got to go to work in a hour cause i got, you know a life
your life is going to work. your a square maybe thats why your name is acidbox.


Well-Known Member
i wasn't trying to bash on him when i asked that my man

i was just curious ,

i told him i wasn't being an ass

lmao ,

come on now

lets all just get along , take a seat and pass the bong ..:blsmoke:
I wouldn't be too worried about it, check out his other threads and look at his style of sharing "information".

5 seconds to find the proper section...he considers grinding a nug before he smokes it to be a major "ass pain" and won't weigh out his harvest because it will take "all afternoon".


Active Member
ROFLMAO. Seriously, better than watching that stupid Wife Swap or Jerry Springer. I'm getting some popcorn and pulling up a chair.