6'th month vegetative stage?... indoor direct sunlight growing...


I need help! Exactly 6 months ago i've planted a seed. I'm growing it in my home and i've it's 4 feet tall, it's the beggining of september, but there are no buds, no pistils, nothing... not even one sign, so i still don't know if it's a female... Is it normal? Please help!:-?


Well-Known Member
are you lsting it at all? your giong to end up with a 10 foot plant you cant feed enough light. i would get it into budding as soon as posible switch your hours to 12/12. mayby even prune it back some before flowering.


Well-Known Member
didnt read its direct sunlight. can you get a picture? is it stretching? is it in a room with any other light on during nighttime hours?


Well-Known Member
the question is....Is the plant getting uninterrupted darkness for at least 12 hours? As in no, lights on in the room it is in when the sun goes down.


and at night i keep it in my bathroom but i don't about 12/12... good idea. I thought she'll change the stage by her own...:P


Well-Known Member
and at night i keep it in my bathroom but i don't about 12/12... good idea. I thought she'll change the stage by her own...:P
without 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness she will never flower. Next time get an automatic strain like AK-48. They flower regardless of the photoperiod.


Well-Known Member

heheh .... Thats a mighty fine looking plant for being grown in a window

Looks like a female to me ... could do with some not so close up close ups :)

One thing for sure ... if it is a female and you can regulate the times to 12 / 12 ... your gonna get a nice bit of bud off that plant :)

If you can put her in a totaly dark room for 12 hours and in the sun for 12 ... she will flower :)

I have to wonder though .... with it being so big ... and you put it in flower ... its gonna GROW ( streach ) a lot ... you got room ? lol

NEED total dark for 12 hours uninterupted


thanks:D today she's gettin' 13h 11min. I've checked. she's without the pot, 1,05m:P. In flowering stage does she need's a bigger pot? aaaaah and about clones i've bought a rooting hormone and i've tried with 2 stems. it didn't work out... both died in 5 days and i don'k know why... tips and advice anyone... or could you tell me where should i ask?:P


Well-Known Member
Nice tree ya got there. imo, i would transplant to a bigger pot but that could also cause some stress. as far clones go, I usually just put in a glass of water, just don't let light in to where the roots will be.


so i only cut the clone from the mother plant and i put it in to the water? with or without rooting hormone?... it I try after inducing veg stage are there any problems?

sorry first time grower...:P i've watched days of videos until now on youtube but I don't know everything yet


Active Member
you need a hydro dome or old jar to get the clones to live. just get an old mayonise just with the lid fill it half way with dirt and take your cuttting and dip it into the hormon and place it in the jar. it usually takes about a week. the key to cloning is to keep the soil moist and the humity as high as possible. if you could drill or poke some holes in the lid you will do just fine. i personaly treat my clones like a trerrium. where it is close all the time and trust me you will have great success. just using the jars laying around the house


Well-Known Member
wow 6 months? i'm looking to harvest in about 10 weeks (autoflower) and you don't have a plant you got a friggin tree!