Anyone know what kind of strain this is?


I was just curious as to what strain this could be. it was just some bag seed but im no expert. its about 4 weeks into veg (i had a little trouble with my light setup) But once i got my hps it jolted growth. Its a 3 leaf pattern as far as i can tell.

It looks healthy to me. no spots, the plants forming nicely. there r no bugs or any signs of malnurishment.


grow space

Well-Known Member
Dude, think a little, put some logic into it, it looks like some indica strain, thats one can tell u more, cas it impossible..fuckk, i say its master kush :lol::lol:


Weed Modifier
Strong Indica...strain ? Anyones guess. Look great now...little small but look great nice and green they will take off now! Look alot better than some I've seen.


Weed Modifier
(i had a little trouble with my light setup)
That could explain the 3 said you corrected, the light issue, and now you should start to see 5 growing soon...just something to look for. or just a strain? What strains have just 3???
Ducksfoot, but you have no webbed leaves.
What did you have going on before?


Thanks all for replying sonquick. It's def a marijuana strain. I know that from a fact. Hopefully it'll start growing more leaves, looking forward to it. Umm, my issue was I underlit my plants. I just had 2 24" 4100k bulbs that produced like 3000 lumens. It just wasn't strong enough or efficient. So I switched to a 150 watt hps and once I did the plants flourished


Weed Modifier
Thanks all for replying sonquick. It's def a marijuana strain. I know that from a fact. Hopefully it'll start growing more leaves, looking forward to it. Umm, my issue was I underlit my plants. I just had 2 24" 4100k bulbs that produced like 3000 lumens. It just wasn't strong enough or efficient. So I switched to a 150 watt hps and once I did the plants flourished
So I was correct! Awesome.


Its marijuana I assure all. When i first started this grow I wasn't using enough lumens and wasn't using he correc color temp. I was at 4100k with 3000 lumens total. But than I switched to a 150 watt hps and boom. They blossomed like a virgin spreading her legs. Lol.


Weed Modifier
Its marijuana I assure all. When i first started this grow I wasn't using enough lumens and wasn't using he correc color temp. I was at 4100k with 3000 lumens total. But than I switched to a 150 watt hps and boom. . Lol.
Good to hear...can't wait to see the new pics. Especially the way you put it!
"They blossomed like a virgin spreading her legs":hump: lmao:joint:


Haha, actually it sprouted it's 5 leaves today on a few of the branches. So I'm pretty stoked. I'm thinking like another couple weeks it should be ready to flower. But I have two plants going and not sure of the sex so I may have to clone to make sure I don't accidentally pollenate. But so far so good.


I went out and spent 60 bucks and got enough plywood and electrical equipment to make my own 4'x33"x23" grow box. ill be installing a few cpu fans for intake and exhaust. I also turned my ghetto ass security lamp into a remote fixture. im currently using a standard 10" work lamp reflector but i will be making my own custom one. 150 watts in this good space is perfect. i may even get another. idk.

and my plants are loving this new enviroment. the both are getting equal amounts of light, thanks in part to the reflectors i put under the plants on top of the soil.

my big one is doing good, branching, leafing, getting busshier and little taller each day.

my little one, my baby kush. i think its cali kush or lemon. not quite sure. but its the only one i found in my 3 grams or so. so she, hopefully is doing great. sprouted quickly, leafed quickly. looking green. ill be getting some nutes from a hydro shop thursday. but so far so good.

