This was on MSN


Well-Known Member

Marijuana use among teens may trigger neurological changes in the developing brain that lead to increased anxiety and stress levels that could persist into adulthood, new animal research suggests.

When ever that word"Suggests" is used, it means there is no proof whatsoever. And besides they tested this on animals. I dunno bout you but purty sure my brain isn't the same as a Rat's Brain.


Well-Known Member
I was not saying either of the articles are true because i am not sure i completely believe anything i hear online or on tv. Especially huge tv networks that are most likely government run. I was just pointing out that MSN has a variety of opinions on marijuana. As to pot being a gateway drug...well IF it is then it is just an overrated gateway drug. Next to cigarettes and alcohal marijuana pales in comparison. Of course people will be more willing to try other ways of altering their state of mind after already trying it once, marijuana just happens to be the "healthiest drugs" (and i use that term very very loosely) out there. The real gateway drug out their is our will power. And weed does make some people anxious, it cant be ALL good :).


Active Member
I am not the type to comment normally, but I had to say: I am more paranoid and anxious as an adult smoker because it's still illegal and I have more to lose!!! LOL


Well-Known Member
Marijuana use among teens may trigger neurological changes in the developing brain that lead to increased anxiety and stress levels that could persist into adulthood, new animal research suggests.

When ever that word"Suggests" is used, it means there is no proof whatsoever. And besides they tested this on animals. I dunno bout you but purty sure my brain isn't the same as a Rat's Brain.
i agree with you but at the same time i do believe that young users risk neurological damage. i thnk its best to wait until your brain is more mature.