Is that really me in my avatar ??


Well-Known Member
to quote a wise man, drugs are bad, because if you do drugs your a hippie, and hippies suck.. :P and I am not a hippie... therfore I dont do drugs! so pot isnt a drug! see it all works out!
I used to work with penguins at the aquarium, they were my homies we had 27, and 2 gay penguins :P


Well-Known Member
yea they were pretty coo, except the shit everywear... but they swim around and jump around there pretty funy :P


Well-Known Member
My avatar? Yepp thats me.

but o shit im Mr.X wtfffff

damn yall i just smoke some ww, its been like 7 months sence the last time i toked ww. Very nice. I kiffed out enough for a bowl, but i couldnt even finish a g in my 3'. half of it is greens. and im bakedddd im listening to 8 diagrams, o and if you dont know what that is then your not a fan.

Mr.X ima go attempt to get higher and i dont know if it will happen.


Well-Known Member
never got so fuckin wrecked in my life, just keep the eyes closed or you can feel the resin build on the eye balls


Well-Known Member
and prepare to bust a lung out i think thats the part that makes me so baked.....or light headed...... im not sure but who cares:)


Master of Mayhem
i love your avatar ernie it reminds me os my gas mask.............

gas masks are cool
Thanks...I love my avatar too:blsmoke:

I have never used a gas mask before...seems like it's too elaborate and a waste of time and effort. I'll stick to my big fat joints:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i will do that but the thing is im going to clearwater beach to buy a car. lol. i gota try to get it running or get it up on a trailer. see im used to smoking bud that gets me high but i can still go to work and shit, but right now im fucked.