UK Law?


Well-Known Member
okay so i have been searching around on the net to find out what are the penalties to having 4-5 plants growing in your home in the uk but i can not find it anywere, could somebody please update me on the amount of plants a person can have and not get sent to prison or prosicuted


Active Member
my mate was locked up by the filth for 13 months, he had 4 plants and a few grand in cash. just keep it to urself, dont even tell your mates. as for the helicopters, they are always out over my town chasing cars. when their out at night and they have their heat cam on they just bump in to out little projects.


Everything is done a case per case basis, all depends on CPS, and the judge you get. If he sees your a decent guy and are growing for yourself then probably slap on wrist, if you growing 15 plants, then I somehow doubt judge will think thats all for yourself and you gonna meet big bob in strangeways loll. But yeh just be careful, everyone in Uk needs be careful since we have some of the worst cops in the history of police.


Active Member
my mate had 28 quaters of solid/hash , he told the court he smokes a q every day and buys it in stock once a month and they sent him on a 2 day course.


Active Member
depends on your history aswell. if you have neva been in trouble you prob get a fine or even a caution for just a few plants. if your a known baddy then they will probably rape you over 1 plant. also depends on the filths present mood or whether he got out of bed the wrong side