How do i maximize my yield????


I have a good number of plants all of which seem to be in an early budding stage 2 weeks at most , ive been growing them out doors since late may , However im concerned about their size majority of them are just over a foot some a foot and a half and two of em are about 2 2 and a half feet talll. Ive grown them in all natural organic soil with bone meal mixed into them . How can i maximize their yield ?


Well-Known Member
Get a fertilizer high in phosphorus. On your N-P-K rating that would be the P. Something along the lines of 5-30-10 would be good and be sure to use unsulphered Black Strap Molasses and use that dilluted 1 tblsp to 1 gallon of water.


Well-Known Member

- At 2 weeks they're not going to show much bud, transition time.
- If you've got good soil and nutes (and water I assume) look at light and air.
- Are you ph adjusting your water after adding nutes?
- What is your all natural soil?
- Level the canopy, prop up the short plants.
- You may not be able to add more light but with bending (LST) you can max light to branches even if the plant is in flower.
- You can add an air floor to feed CO2 rich air from under your leaves through the canopy.
- I use Big Bud, Gravity and Overdrive, I find they help but Big Bud and Gravity can burn your leaves.
- What strains do you have? In the same square footage the Kali Mist on the right will produce 2x - 2.5x the yield of the Flo on the left.


Check out the Grow Lab thread linked below, I have these ideas and others.


To be honest i have no idea as t which strain they are i used bag seed but all of the buds seem to be turning out rather good looking , this is my first gorow and ill put up some pictures in a few, and im not ure what you mean by ph adjusting the water after adding nutes , like i said first time grower. I did do a good bit of research before stating but with other expenses i had a strict budget. =/ However they do have organic bone meal mixed in but i believe the rating is 6-9-0 , clearly i should find better P nutes?


Well-Known Member
When adding nutrients to the water the water can become acidic and harm your plants so you have to monitor the "PH" level. You can pick up a PH kit and PH levelers as any garden or fish store. But yeah, higher P would be best.


Well-Known Member
Get a fertilizer high in phosphorus. On your N-P-K rating that would be the P. Something along the lines of 5-30-10
And potassium, K, should be at least as high as P. For some reason many MJ growers have a blind spot to the role of this vital element, resulting in a whole load of K-deficient plants come flower time. Read my link below.


Well-Known Member

Looks great 420. Thick solid stem, leaves are lush. I wish that my plants looked that good coming out of veg.


"To be honest i have no idea as t which strain they are i used bag seed but all of the buds seem to be turning out rather good looking"

Looking great. I'd say some kind of indica dominant since it's only 2.5' after 2 weeks of flower.


"im not ure what you mean by ph adjusting the water after adding nutes"

What 420God said, a couple posts up. ;)


"However they do have organic bone meal mixed in but i believe the rating is 6-9-0 , clearly i should find better P nutes?"

What brand is your nutes? There are nutes for veg and nutes for flower, to give the plant what it needs at different stages. I use Fox Farm solubles in flower, there are three different kinds that I mix to give me 5 basic fertilizers through flower. Dyna Gro has a one part flowering fertilizer that will give you all you need for $6 a bottle, which will last years.

What kind of soil do you have?



Thanks for the compliments i appreciate it especially because this is my first grow, unfortunetly not all of my plants are as great as thesetwo but most of them seem to be catching up ll post pics of those plants shortly. CUrrently im using miracle grow organic garden soil, its suppose to boost vegatable growth in plants so i figured it would be a good suitor for my plants, i am also using Miracle grow organic bonemeal suplements


Well-Known Member

"CUrrently im using miracle grow organic garden soil,"

Probably the worst soil if it contains pre mixed nutes. Can burn the leaves. Pro Mix is simple and cheap, one $25 bale will fill 7.5 x 5 gallon buckets. No ferts, good drainage.

How long have the plants been in this soil (whole life?) and what are your nutes? Miracle Grow?



Well-Known Member
I would finish out your grow with what you have already. MG is really tricky to play with and any advice you get might cause you to burn them. Learning lesson for next grow round.


Active Member
yea thats the best bet just keep going forward with what you got and learn from it because any kinda big change or anything like that will most likely cause yellowing or stressing of the plants and nice simple organic nute to use is blackstrap unsulfered molasses alot of nutes and enhances microbial decomposition so the roots abosorb your nutes better its got a rating of about 3-5-1 i believe depending on which brand you use, i use "Wholesome sweetners organic molasses" 4.95 and most local stores and enhances your buds like crazy hope that helps good luck !