What's the difference between soft water and hard water


New Member
I am about to buy this : http://www.growell.co.uk/p/1538/Hobby-Kit-NFT-250.html but there's the option to choose between soft water and hard water. What's the difference between them? and do u think its a good kit? cheers
Because the kit includes Vita Link Max nutrients which has a soft water and hard water formula. Soft water is water with low ppm of calcium and magnesium, hard water is water that contains higher levels. If you have a TDS meter, measure the water and if you have >200 ppm, it is hard water. If you decide to go with filtered and/or RO water, get the "soft" option.


^thx for the advise, but i dont have a TDS meter, so in ur opinion whats the most used water in populated areas?


Well-Known Member
^thx for the advise, but i dont have a TDS meter, so in ur opinion whats the most used water in populated areas?
Depends on the geology of the area. Where I live the water comes from a reservoir and isn't really that hard. A few towns over, most of their water comes from ground water with a lot of limestone, so the water is ridiculously hard. If you have a lot of limestone in your area, there is a good chance you have hard water.


New Member
If you have deposits in your toilet holding tank, deposits when you boil wwater and places like that , or soap does not sud up very well you may have hard water. If it tastes crappy too it is hard. If you can buy bottled RO water that would be best. Ask others in your area if they think it is hard.