first time grow 600w hps cheese and lemon skunk *pics*


Well-Known Member
if i knew how to give u rep i would lol! cos they lookin the shizznitz! plants like that,id pot'm an keepm in my front room they are beutifull


Well-Known Member
here are my real babies. i should have veged more, but i should still get about 2 oz per plant. they really are oozing deliciousness right now, can't wait to smoke these after a good 2-3 week cure

UK CHEESE STAND UP! (then sit back down again before you fall on your arse)



Active Member
Looking good ....With an zip a week habit hope you already got some new plants vegged and ready to flower. I had the same issue but only smoke 10g's a week, but now have a perpetual harvest with my lil 600w HPS. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Looking good ....With an zip a week habit hope you already got some new plants vegged and ready to flower. I had the same issue but only smoke 10g's a week, but now have a perpetual harvest with my lil 600w HPS. Good Luck

to be honest i haven't been smoking an oz a week for over a year i think. if i had my way i would be, but its so damn hard trying to find a weed worth smoking round here. we are up to £250 an oz for something that is taken down a week early, not flushed properly and has no cure. i will try to be perpetual but this cheese is gonna be hard to ration. yeah i got my clones ready to repot tonight, gonna put them in my flower tent as soon as i harvest.


Well-Known Member
to be honest i haven't been smoking an oz a week for over a year i think. if i had my way i would be, but its so damn hard trying to find a weed worth smoking round here. we are up to £250 an oz for something that is taken down a week early, not flushed properly and has no cure. i will try to be perpetual but this cheese is gonna be hard to ration. yeah i got my clones ready to repot tonight, gonna put them in my flower tent as soon as i harvest.
great grow bro! An ounce a week to yourself? Damn I thought I was a heavy smoker, but a full time job and internet business, I need my head most of the day.


Well-Known Member
lol, each joint has one gram more or less (i like em fat). like i said though i haven't smoked that heavy for a while, too damned expensive and can't get decent bud. i know for a fact this is gonna be some of the best stuff i've ever had.


Well-Known Member
:cry::cry: i found some thrips crawling on my babies in the veg cabinet. i think the flowering tent is clean, but it would be hard to tell cause my plants are covered in resin now. anyone got any experience with these little pests?. i hear they aren't the worst problem a grower can encounter, and i'm glad it aint spider mites, but i definately want them out the way asap before they take hold.

any help much appreciated +rep


Well-Known Member
does anybody have any experience in dealing with thrips?. i need to repot my babies in order to put them in my flowering tent, need to get rid of these pests before i do.

would a normal bug spray work? will these harm my plants?


Well-Known Member
wot are thrips?? ive been lookin on anoher thread an some bloke ordered 1500 lady bugs off ebay, didnt use em allbut reckons heyve kept everything good now


Active Member
Yea never heard of thrips? Explain more clearly what this is.

BTW This is a amazing grow for a first go. Is your buddy helping you a bit with advice. I asume he knows what he is doing as you got your cuttings from there. good luck, it will get better with experience.

In my opinion I would have vegged those plants under some CFL's for a few more weeks before putting it into flower cycle. You harvest would have been much bigger. Your biggest shock is going to be the difference in size from what you see now to when it is dry.

All the best and good luck.


Well-Known Member
little bastards, they are apparently not the biggest threat i will encounter on my growing journey, but scary all the same.

i alreay cut a couple of buds off accidentally and quick dried them, so i know how much they shrink, it's scary man.

to be honest i think i can learn pretty much everything from this site, my mate didn't teach me anything i didn't already learn from here.
he grows organically (the fools way) and until recently did nothing to train his plants, just let them grow.

you are right about the veg though, i could of let em veg another week or two to really fill out the tent. i was a bit scared of them bushing out to much and fighting for light so i flipped em early.

with regard to the thrips:
my mate had spider mites and got some spray from the net, gonna give that a try tonight, don't think it will do much harm.


Well-Known Member
wot are thrips?? ive been lookin on anoher thread an some bloke ordered 1500 lady bugs off ebay, didnt use em allbut reckons heyve kept everything good now

i know ladybirds kick ass like but i don't need that many lol.

we had none in early summer when the weather was nice, but i've been seeing loads lately. gonna catch a few and see if i can start a little bug war in my cupboard.


Well-Known Member
some nice looking plants!!
thanks for the compliment, they get more beautiful every time i see them. starting to get a few of amber trichs on the cheese(couple more weeks to go), lemon skunk is still clear though. don't know the flowering time but they are gonna be huge come harvest.

loving the outdoor guerila grow btw subscribed +rep


Well-Known Member
i just give my babies a spray with some mite rid, meant for spider mites but i suppose it could kill thrips too. took the top couple of inches of coco from the pots they were in, repotted them and the sprayed them after removing all the thrips i could see. they seem happier now but i'll be keeping an eye on them over the next week.

some pic updates: these are my happy plants

lemon skunk




i do not see any signs of Mites!! you would have lots of small white spots on the top side of the leaves. they all look great to me but you are better safe then sorry when it comes to those terrors...


Well-Known Member
no mites on the big plants, they are healthy. its in my little veg cabinet, they were thrips. think i have got rid of them for the time being. how do you mangae with pests on an outdoor grow anyway? or does the ecosystem sort that out for you?


Well-Known Member
52 days flowering now. trichomes are starting to turn amber and the buds have all gone rock hard so i'm guessing they are ripe. gonna feed them one last time with bloombastic tommorow (haven't given them the a+b since tues), then i will flush for around a week with straight h20. will post more pics after the harvest

034.jpg003.jpg024.jpglemon skunk022.jpgthe cheese


Well-Known Member
mite-rid worked wonders, i have finally managed to get rid of the thrips (fingers crossed been a week since i saw any). i would reccommend it to anyone with pest problems. got my babies ready to go in to the flowering tent when i pull my plants next week.