All loans in the US are counterfeit..!!!!


Active Member
just wanted to know what you all think of this..

In 1969, there was a Minnesota court case involving a man named Jerome Daly,
who was challenging the foreclosure of his home by the bank,
which provided the loan to purchase it.

His argument was that the mortgage contract required both parties,
being he and the bank, each put up a legitimate form of property for the exchange.
In legal language, this is called consideration.
Mr. Daly explained that the money was, in fact, not the property of the bank.
For it was created out of nothing, What they do (the banks), when they make loans,
is to accept promissory notes, in exchange for credits. Reserves are unchanged by the loan transactions.
But, deposit credits constitute new additions to the total deposits of the banking system.
In other words, the money doesn't come out of their existing assets.
The bank is simply inventing it, putting up nothing of it's own, except for a theoretical liability, on paper.
As the court case progressed, the bank's president, Mr. Morgan, took the stand.
And in the judge's personal memorandum, he recalled that the Plaintiff, bank's president,
admitted that, in combination with the Federal Reserve Bank did create the money and credits
upon its books by book-keeping entry. The money and credit first came into existence
when they created it.

Mr. Morgan admitted that no United States Law or Statute existed
which gave him the right to do this.
A lawful consideration must exist and be tendered to support the Note.
The Jury found that there was no lawful consideration and I agree.
He also poetically added:
Only God can create something of value, out of nothing.
And, upon this revelation, the court rejected the bank's claim for foreclosure and Daly kept his home.

The implications of this court decision are immense. For every time you borrow money from a bank,
whether it is a mortgage loan or a credit card charge, the money given to you is not only counterfeit,
it is a illegitimate form of consideration. And hence, voids the contract to repay.
For the bank never had the money as property to begin with.
Unfortunately, such legal realizations are suppressed and ignored.


Active Member
this was in the Zietgiest movement documentary. my roomate is huge on it.

as for what i think-

the whole banking system is corrupt. loans are given out based on money a bank never see's or even has.


Well-Known Member
That's not just in the US though is it..

Anywhere where they use a fractional reserve banking system...


Well-Known Member
lol.. the hell?

paranoid people are hilarious.. and fun.

Not all loans are counterfeit.. moron. :| I mean yeah, there are people out there that have 'loan scams' going... but if you were to go to a legitimate bank and get a loan.. it wouldn't be "counterfeit".. it would be a legit loan. Also, if you were to do your homework and do some research on 'Loan companies' to see which ones are legit and reputable.. you would see that not "all loans are counterfeit". Paranoia will eventually kill ya.. ;)

anyhow.. I love short work weeks. :) They'rrrreeee Grrreeaaaaatt!



Well-Known Member
Try not paying your mortgage for a while and see where that gets you. You will be telling all the other homeless people that loans are counterfeit in a van down by the river!


Active Member
. . . in a van down by the river!

Computer: $600
Chair: $75
Internet Connection: $30 a month
Working a Matt Foley reference in a marijuana growing forum's Bank Conspiracy Thread: Priceless

+ rep for the laugh mrboots, even if your SN leaves me feeling like I am typing this to a cat ;)


Active Member
That's not just in the US though is it..
Anywhere where they use a fractional reserve banking system...
It depends on the regulations of that country's.. At this moment it is illigal in the us but if the rules are adjusted it could be very well legal..
So i wouldn't go that far of saying its illegal in all country's.. I honestly dont know..


Active Member
Not all loans are counterfeit.. moron. :| I mean yeah, there are people out there that have 'loan scams' going... but if you were to go to a legitimate bank and get a loan.. it wouldn't be "counterfeit".. it would be a legit loan. Also, if you were to do your homework and do some research on 'Loan companies' to see which ones are legit and reputable.. you would see that not "all loans are counterfeit"

They are an illegal form of consideration.. i'm not talking bout loan scams.. When a bank borrows you money this money is created out of nothing in rougly guessed 90% of the cases.. So hence its an illegal contract..
Simple as that.. The court case was against a respectable bank and the bank was only using standard money mechanics as all banks do..

Why calling me a moron when you just come here and tell me whats what without any backing of your statement..
Go flame somewhere else.. Idiot (to return the favour)


Active Member
Try not paying your mortgage for a while and see where that gets you. You will be telling all the other homeless people that loans are counterfeit in a van down by the river!
Hell if you were able to get it to court you wouldnt get much of a chance of pulling it of these times.. However the example i used wasnt the only one that exists..
Btw seems like Jerome Daly got to keep his house and didnt have to repay his "debt" Its a bit like income tax.. Illegal as hell but no one to do anything about it..


Active Member
Bank Conspiracy Thread
What is there conspiracy bout what i am saying.. you go categorizing all you want but even the supreme court had cases like these.. Im not playing any conspiracy game.. i'm just posting a FACT about a court case.. ill try to find some others if one example doesnt suit you..


Well-Known Member
Every thing gets to court if you take it their. There is this thing called due process, and pending the relief of draconian style authority, anyone can pull this off, assuming that they haven't made a single payment yet. When that first payment is made it is an absolute obligatory action in the form of contract, meaning that you have submitted to the terms of the contract and intend to continue payment.



Active Member
What is there conspiracy bout what i am saying.. you go categorizing all you want but even the supreme court had cases like these.. Im not playing any conspiracy game.. i'm just posting a FACT about a court case.. ill try to find some others if one example doesnt suit you..
Settle down little fella. Smoke a bowl, read my post again, and try to find where I attacked your thread. I didn't. I simply thanked mrboots for making a funny. Go have a waffle . . . on me ;)

That should cover it . . . and keep the change kid . . .


Active Member
You categorise my thread with conspiracy theory stuff, while it is nothing of the kind.. and i have a right to not like that..
I am simply providing a court case fact and as stated above in first post "just wanted to know what you all think of this.."
No meaning for putting me next to the conspiracy guru's..

Lol that is so long ago that i viewed such a note.. Long time ago and better times also..
And no thanks no waffle i rather have a decent chocolate bar and some GOOD beer ;)


Active Member
an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.

What you have described sounds an awful lot like the definition I have just pasted. Technically any scheme devised in private to gain an unfair advantage is just that- a conspiracy.

Don't get me wrong- THIS IS NOT lizard-people putting flouride in drinking water to turn us all into gay nazi illuminati supporters. But it is something banks do behind closed doors and only divulged this information while on stand in a court of law under the threat of perjury, and that makes it a conspiracy. Biggest difference is that the OP is based in truth.

Again, I wasn't attacking your thread- just enjoying a funny comment.


Active Member

Don't get me wrong- THIS IS NOT lizard-people putting flouride in drinking water to turn us all into gay nazi illuminati supporters. But it is something banks do behind closed doors and only divulged this information while on stand in a court of law under the threat of perjury, and that makes it a conspiracy. Biggest difference is that the OP is based in truth.

ROFLMAO lizard people & gay nazi illuminati supporters ;)
you see that is exactly why i dont want to be associated with conspiracy! But if you put it that way im kinda ok with it



Active Member
I know how you feel- that word (along with many others) carries a stigma that does distract when taken the wrong way. Usually if reflects upon the messenger (i.e.- lizard people, etc) but in this case the derogatory meaning was directed at the conspirators, not the messenger. My bad for the mix up.

We may not agree about soldiers, but we are on the same page for this one.

This next hit's for you :joint:


Active Member
yea i get that reply allot when gaming and owning Americans.. Belgium waffle shut the f up.. then i kill em some 10 times more and then they leave...