how they looking.?(pics) opinions welcome


Active Member
so these r my outdoor plants poison,unknown strain, and some AlienCrackWeed..
feeding bloom food 2-4-4
ACW was gett FF Grow 6-4-4
So the big question is how they doing?
n how much is a guesstimate that i"ll yield of each one.?

AlienCrackWeed(about a month and a week old)(flowering about 1 week)

Poison og Clone(going into 3rd week of flowering i think)

Unknown Strain(4-5 week of flowering)

New Grower 420

Active Member
you shure alien crack weed is a strain?lol the plants look pritty good thoughcant really give a yeild est. because i dont really know how big the plants are.


Well-Known Member
Well they look my better than mine and I'm told I'm doing ok so I'd say your doing good can't tell ya about yeild though sorry


Active Member
you shure alien crack weed is a strain?lol the plants look pritty good thoughcant really give a yeild est. because i dont really know how big the plants are.
ACW was a bagseed
well the ACW is a bout a foot tall
Poison Og is about 2 1/2 ft
Unknown Strain is 3ft