Is this a hermine ? pleas help


Active Member
Hi people , I have this plant at my backyard that I have planted from seed of a bag I had 1 month ago , its my first plant and only one , I would like to get help on it , I believe its a hermie but i'm not 100% sure.
It grows outdoor and this is the end of summer in my erea with 13-13.5/11 of sun.



Active Member
Thanks for your reply , I was going mad , becaus it has a lot of double pistls here and there , mostly on top , but in the lower ones it has balls that I hoped to be somthing else.
as I mentiond this is my only plant , do you think I should keep it , and try to have somthing of it , by moving balls away?
If it is your only plant it cannot pollinate nothing else keep it.You might as well get some smoke from it.The smoke will be better than what you get from the streets so you should be alright till your next grow.


Active Member
Thanks a-lot , I know its just a hermien , but you lift me up with hope again. Just to know that I can now recorgnize the sex in a preflower (I just learn this terms these days). this man dadio161 has a naughty way of teling me that it is a straight male.
Thanks a-lot , I know its just a hermien , but you lift me up with hope again. Just to know that I can now recorgnize the sex in a preflower (I just learn this terms these days). this man dadio161 has a naughty way of teling me that it is a straight male.
Dont worry about it.Im sure he does not mean much by it.Just wanted you to get rid of it because he prob never saw a hermie before.


Active Member
Looks like this has been jumped on pretty quick, and I agree with everyone except dadio- but that isn't why I am posting. Dutch Master Reverse is designed to destroy the male flowers. It is a hormone treatment that won't affect the genetics of the plant (so clones will still be hermie) but once applied it will destroy the male parts within 48 hours. It can be mixed with dish liquid as a surfactant if you don't want to buy the DM Penetrator. DMR costs around $17- might be a good investment if you don't want seeds in your bud. Good luck with the rest of the grow.
Let it self pollinate - not much else you can do and keep the seeds - guaranteed fems. I'm fairly certain that this is the case so correct me if I am mistaken.

Hope you get a smoke in any case.
Let it self pollinate - not much else you can do and keep the seeds - guaranteed fems. I'm fairly certain that this is the case so correct me if I am mistaken.

Hope you get a smoke in any case.
No the seeds will not be guarenteed fems,It will be mixed with male,hermie and females.Genetics will be screwed.


Active Member
he is a cop
don't listen to him

good luck , i hope it will stop producing more balls
Hey , thanks , but don't freak me up now . I am enought paranoid with all the googling I have been doing on canabis growing the last few days , till I have found this great forum.
Is any one knows about a good way of living under the google radar? .
I hope that I didn't destroy my chances of being able to smoke good pots here and there.

Triple S

Active Member
are u telling me about paranoia ?
i've just started a new thread with piks and my dogs started to make noise utside and i want to delete the thread :|


Active Member
Ok here is what is going on right now , I have moved the balls out and it seems not to be showing again yet.
The thing is that the top of some pistiles bcame brown, like many describes as a good time to harvest when it's happen,and the top of the plant look like a formation of a litle bud (very litle) could it be that it got flowered allready and finished the cycle with so very poor buding, (although it looks very young to me).
I have fertilize the plant since he was 2,3 weeks old with a FLOWER BIO-GEL based on natural seaweed with NPK 10/7/9 , 3% of Seaweed consetration , 0.1% of Iron (Fe) , and other microelements for roots and leaves growth , and in the label they allso claims that it has all it needs for a stunish flowering (it is about hous garden and poarch plants).
so I thought that this will be enaught for this round , consider it's a bag seed and turn allso to be a hermien I was'nt sure about make the efort of geting somthing else.
another thing is that I have got myself a cheap ph/light/humidity - meter and found out tha my ph was a little bit beyound 7 so I have put some apple viniger to the water and got it down to 6.2 . and fortunatly it looks to be flowded by the meter although I was trying not to water it too much , I have watering it in a 1 liter every 3,4 days , and added the BIO-GEL for about every 10-14 days , and alitle bit more in the last few days (think I got confused).
So it looks gowing a bit slower at the moment , with a very little bud at top , and some branches of double pistiles that geting brown on top.
I have allso spray it today with Garlic and chily soution I have made to get rid of White flies , but it doesn't look as a big problem.

any sugestions dear people?

bdw : I have smoked some dried leaves that I moved from it here and there and got a nice gentle high from it.
Alright bro, checkit out. Having bought feminized seeds a few years ago i've dealt with hermies. They ARE a pain in the ass and if you have more plants other than just this he-she, it can be a cropwrecker. Also, if you ever go into your buddies growrooms you can pollinate their crop accidentally. But, if neither of these is a problem then my advice?? Chop the little "branch" with the "bananas" off and essentially neuter your plant as you go along to minimize the amount of pollen spread to your buds. Chances are you will get some seeds but you can definately minimize the amount of them by effectively controlling the male parts. The "balls" aren't really pollinating until the "banana" sack splits open. I saw flower it, get whatever smoke you can and start a new batch. Good luck homie, hope this helps!!