Using a Fan vs CO2 enrichment?


Active Member
Hey guys,

just thinking logically about CO2 enrichment in a grow room that is ventilated using a 30cm desktop fan. The grow room is not sealed so if I were to use CO2 (yeast and sugar combo) then I'm thinking that the fan would just blow the CO2 away from the plants and the amount of CO2 the plants induce wouldn't be as substantal.

if I just had the CO2 being produced right next to my plants with no fan and just relied of convection then I think there'd be a higher volume of CO2 around the plants than if a fan was blowing.

Please share your thoughts on this guys?


Well-Known Member
Not a good idea, because you'd be risking mold issue. It wouldn't hurt to do it for a couple hours a day, but not continuously. Honeslty though, the results will be minimal, especially if you don't have the lighting to take advantage of it. What type of lighting are you using? From what I understand, CO2 isn't much benefit unless you are measuring well over 5000 LSF(lumens per square foot), as measured by a light meter. Light positioning in critical, when measuring output, and just because a light is rated at 100,000 LSF, doesn't mean that the math will add up as you might think. A couple inches too high,(varies, depending on light size) and you'll be waaay under the expected intensity you've calculated. A light meter eliminates guesswork, and is a really nice tool to have. :)


Well-Known Member
i agree with jaw on this one .

something else to note is that ambient house air has around 600ppm of Co2 twice the minimum amount for healthy plant growth.

using yeast and sugar works but in order to achieve 1500ppm like that of a real Co2 enrichment tank would use 3lbs of sugar 15g of yeast a gallon of water airlocks etc and then you would only get 1000ppm+ for a few days before you had to add a few more lbs of sugar.

having air intakes is all that is required .



Active Member
okay thanks for the replies,

so definitely have the fan on but not bother with the CO2?

I've attached a picture of the room, its approximately 9ft x 6ft square and the light is a SunMaster 600w HPS apparently rated at 90,000 lumens. With a lot of reflective stuff surrounding! :) however yeah i dont have a lightmeter. Why dont they have an iPhone app for that?!

Anyway yeah, what do you think?



Well-Known Member
Looks pretty sweet. Just keep in mind that they are ready for full light, as soon as they have their first serrated leaves. If people tell you otherwise, they're wrong. :razz: It's the heat that will hurt them, not the light. Keep that under control, and they'll take off like crazy, with no stretching. :)


Well-Known Member
Where did you get your numbers on that 3 lb. mix?
i read something on here by desertrat ( i think ) where he ran a test experiment with his new Co2 reader.

granted i didnt read the whole thing!

just quoting the mixture i read.

Dont get me wrong i have ran 2litre variations of this using a tsp of yeast a cup of sugar etc . in my exp it doesnt benefit any more than good intakes and airflow , using a Co2 enrichment tank and regulator on the other hand is a completely different ball game.
