Weedoozie's Nor Cal Greenhouse (ADVICE WELCOME)


Well-Known Member
i forgot to click the sub box! and yes im high!lol!
lol its cool, thanks for the support! The greenhouse serves many purposes for me:
1. my deck is on a main road, don't want people to see buds growing there so easily, keeps things cutty
2. too much coastal fog/mist causes moldy situations, I have better luck controlling it in the greenhouse
3. keeps bad buggies at bay
4. keeps good buggies in
5. lets me fog the with dry ice vapor with the ability to seal the cloud in for enough time to suffocate unwanted pests
6. the environment uses the sun but allows me to control more aspects than straight outdoor growing
7. works well for me! :mrgreen:

I'll be checking in your grow from now on, seriously, it's one of the better outdoor ones I've seen!


Active Member
lol its cool, thanks for the support! The greenhouse serves many purposes for me:
1. my deck is on a main road, don't want people to see buds growing there so easily, keeps things cutty
2. too much coastal fog/mist causes moldy situations, I have better luck controlling it in the greenhouse
3. keeps bad buggies at bay
4. keeps good buggies in
5. lets me fog the with dry ice vapor with the ability to seal the cloud in for enough time to suffocate unwanted pests
6. the environment uses the sun but allows me to control more aspects than straight outdoor growing
7. works well for me! :mrgreen:

I'll be checking in your grow from now on, seriously, it's one of the better outdoor ones I've seen!
thank you...feels nice to hear it


Well-Known Member
LOL you guys :grin: for the record I don't mind, it allows for my thread to move up to the top of the list again which gets the greenhouse more views and hopefully more useful information to help me out as well as always appreciated support, woo!

Thanks for the compliments all! I'm about to update again with pictures from today which was a rather sunny but colder kind of Marin day


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody, things are looking good still although I found a webbing/netting of some sort on the underside of a sugar leaf of Big Blue's but I intently checked all over and didn't find anything else like that. There were no bad bugs in or near the netting. I looked with my naked eye as well as with my 30x loupe and my 60-100x magnifying scope. It is possible that there was a caterpillar in there but it died from Captain Jacks Deadbug or it became that butterfly I found on the side of the greenhouse wall. I'm not too sure. I'm pretty sure it was not mold or spider mite or other spider webbing. I didn't manage to get a picture of it as I removed it straight away in order to better inspect the whole area for similar problems. Any input on this matter is welcome

Other than that...buds are getting fatter, check them pics :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Ok, just spent some more time in the greenhouse checking Big Blue out and I found a wasp just chillin on the leaves. Not any of the sugar leaves, but the fan leaves. I'm thinking that other than the possibility that wasps/bees are attracted to flowering plants, this wasp might be eating any bad pests I may have on there. I didn't see any myself but having a wasp there makes me think otherwise. Anyone have any info on why a wasp would be around? I'd like to know if I have an infestation...I've read that wasps eat many bad bugs that take home on cannabis but because I don't think I have an infestation...why is the bitch there? I had just finished spraying the plants with Captain Jacks Deadbug when I saw the wasp on Big Blue, not at all phased by the spraying I just did. Hmmmm...?