Balls to the Wall grow, Riddleme Gets Serious


Well-Known Member
Ok hope everyone knows I was joking :) not going anywhere (ok going to RMH's tomorrow to smell that goddess bitch) but you know what I mean and as the teach I am truely proud to see that shit

on a side note there will be no mid week update as my bitches have started flowering and I'm waitin till the weekend to share, but oh my they are looking good :)


Well-Known Member
Ok hope everyone knows I was joking :) not going anywhere (ok going to RMH's tomorrow to smell that goddess bitch) but you know what I mean and as the teach I am truely proud to see that shit

on a side note there will be no mid week update as my bitches have started flowering and I'm waitin till the weekend to share, but oh my they are looking good :)
cant wait to see that :)


Well-Known Member
Hey I just ordered another 400 watt CMH (same one I have now) so next grow gonna be 800 watts :)

i knew by the photos those girls needed more light. i too have been waiting for this!!! now you need to do a vert tube and stadium setup like bigman!!


Well-Known Member
no the girls do not need more light and I am gonna finish these 4 with the one light, looking for the gram per watt mark, would be cheating to add a second light now :)

the reason for the second light is that there will be more plants in the next grow, as I am expanding the garden, will have 10 instead of 4 and even that breaks my 100 watt per plant rule so we'll see???


Well-Known Member
I mean the lower canopy is now shaded off a lot more since your girls are 3-4' around! I kno your candy canning helped with that, but only until they all grow back up, or their shoots do one.


Well-Known Member
You have to remember that this grow is about verifying the research, and I am the one that wrote the ditty on shade leaves being more productive for the plant. and actually there are only about 20% of the leaves totally shaded :)

So much has already been verified ie: the sunshine #4 being amended with calcined clay, has worked out very well, I will be using this medium from now on as I am very happy with it :)

Plus this is phase one in the breeding project, I will be seeding all of the lower buds :)


Well-Known Member
depends on when Udo drops his load :) he is making lots of balls so looking foward to lots of polen :) and I am very happy with how healthy and vigorous he is


Well-Known Member
Hey I just ordered another 400 watt CMH (same one I have now) so next grow gonna be 800 watts :)
Damn it, ya beat me to the punch.;-) Already have the new light fund going. Should be able to buy it sometime next month if things go the way I hope they do.

Can't wait to see that grow!




Well-Known Member
The last thing you want to do is use hydrated lime in your soil. Its nothing like dolomitic lime, or calcitic lime. Hydrated lime is very alkaline, and will raise your soil ph up into the 9 or higher easily if over applied. Its not an easy lime source to work with, so I would avoid ever using it.

I used it once before after reading someone say it was the same as dolomitic lime..Well it obviously wasn't, and the plant came to an immediate halt in growth, and was completely stunted. Ph was over 9 when checked. Thankfully a flushing and repotting into new soil did the trick, but I dont want to see you experience the same thing, nor anyone else.

Not sure if I can poke this out on my phone but gonna try. Dave is right on. Hydrated lime is what us farmers use. Not to be used in container plants. We spread in the fall or early spring while there is still snow on the ground, at least 90 days be planting. Used improperly it will roast a plant faster than you can imagine.

EDIT: nice win by your Chiefs Riddle. Savor it while you can.


Well-Known Member
haha my first clone was a tree and i didnt even do it on purpose. only thing i could find long enough to tie up my first grow was brances on a tree outside cut em off and tied my plants up with it, and it the branches rooted and started to grow. lol was in the middle of winter so there were no leafs or anything on the braches then when i went to harvest and pull the sticks out hear a rip thought was the MJ plant but was the branch roots
Hey Riddleme your garden is looking great! I am jealous. I am growing in a small cab, 24" w x 15" d x 36" t. I am using a gang of cfl's right now, but I would like to switch to a 200 or maybe 250w CMH. I have been looking for a small balast to fire a bulb like that and I am not having much luck. I also will need a really small reflector to fit inside the cab and still allow for good air movement. The only reflector that I found that is small enough if that sun systems 150w hps, but has the ballast built into the unit. I would prefer a reflector w/ remote ballast if possible. Does anyone know where I could get those items?