Something else I've heard tried, take a jug and a rope, fiber not nylon, thats thick enough to plug the hole for the most part. cut open the bottom, hang upside down, and when you stick the rope in, tie a knot to keep it there, then seal with epoxy. The rope is supposed to wick the water to where you need it...I've never tried it, but the guy that told me about it said thats how they used to water they're guerrilla grows...
ohk mate !!. how about a bucket with water lines coming out the bottom then at the end of the lines have something that slows the water down so its not running out too fast !!??
Buy a cheep ass aquarium submersible water pump, buy some tubing and a few splitters from a store like you dont even have to use any drip fittings. Put that sucker on a digtal timer(a little experimentation needed to find out how long u will need it on) and u can set it up to water your plants any way u want. Every other day-every third day, etc. It would prob cost you 50 bucks to make. 20$pump, 20$digital timer, 10dollars for driptube and fittings. They also make drip emmiters which restrict the amount of water that can be expelled from the tube so that you can water more slowly-or you could use a sprayer/misteron a stake to water a bigger footprint in ur bucket.
i need something that is a big bucket hanging up with about 5 tubes running out of it, and with a water timer on it, preferabilly one that runs of batterys
You could use a dc waterpump with the setup i described before and hook it up to a battery. First thing that comes to my mind is a bilge pump for a boat. you can get them at walmart for pretty cheap.
hey thanks guys, i dont think i will go with the water system yet !! will just buy water crystals that soak up to 400 times there wieght and they relese the water when needed ! and it only will cost me $10 not $200
†LOL† I had forgotten all about those...Kinda gets my brain going, I've used them before, but not for mj, they work, definately...but how long were you going to be gone?