Long story short(well not really): I germinated two White Diesel feminised seeds, sprouted very quickly, before my 6500k 250w cfl arrived. Not knowing what to do I put them under 2700k weak ass 20w cfl just to control the day/night regime(18/6) - that went on for about 4 days as there was a problem with my new cfl delivery. Obviously being a noob i put the light rather high which resulted in them badly stretching, as you can see in the pic. After some reading i decided i will put them under new light - 250w cfl, give them until the end of the week to gain some strength and then repot them. Unfortunately, assuming that cfls run fairly cool i installed everything in my box and went to work, when i came back i realized that that "cool running" cfl brought the temperature to nearly 35C(95F). I tinkered a bit with the fans and thought i got the temp under control - I did, but due to something else happening they spent the following day in similar temperature. And from stretched but healthy looking they went to what you can see, leaves slumped and most importantly - they stopped growing :/ All the growth happened prior to me putting the new light in and cooking them with it for two days. So my question to you guys would be - are they doomed and I should start from scratch? Or are they just shocked and will eventually bounce back? Any advice is greatly appreciated
Theyre 1week old in this pic, just water, no nutrients.
Theyre 1week old in this pic, just water, no nutrients.