Disastrous start to first grow - could someone advise?


Active Member
Long story short(well not really): I germinated two White Diesel feminised seeds, sprouted very quickly, before my 6500k 250w cfl arrived. Not knowing what to do I put them under 2700k weak ass 20w cfl just to control the day/night regime(18/6) - that went on for about 4 days as there was a problem with my new cfl delivery. Obviously being a noob i put the light rather high which resulted in them badly stretching, as you can see in the pic. After some reading i decided i will put them under new light - 250w cfl, give them until the end of the week to gain some strength and then repot them. Unfortunately, assuming that cfls run fairly cool i installed everything in my box and went to work, when i came back i realized that that "cool running" cfl brought the temperature to nearly 35C(95F). I tinkered a bit with the fans and thought i got the temp under control - I did, but due to something else happening they spent the following day in similar temperature. And from stretched but healthy looking they went to what you can see, leaves slumped and most importantly - they stopped growing :/ All the growth happened prior to me putting the new light in and cooking them with it for two days. So my question to you guys would be - are they doomed and I should start from scratch? Or are they just shocked and will eventually bounce back? Any advice is greatly appreciated

1wk cooked.jpg

Theyre 1week old in this pic, just water, no nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Wow, they'll make it. When you transplant to a bigger pot you can add more soil so there's not so much stem before the first node.


Active Member
Let me first say that my first thought was MALE. But after a read the light WAY to high that might have changed. What the previous post said about new pot is right. I would bury the clone in soil about half way up that clear spot. and keep any new growth from growing low if any. I am someone who skirts their plants from birth basically. After you get your lighting right those things will make it.


Active Member


A good thing to do when stretching happen during early stage of seedling is; You drop the stem on the soil (in circle) and put some soil on it so only 1/3 of that long stem is out of the soil.

The thing is you need to be EXTRA gentle with the stem otherwise you might break it or twist it too much. Doing this perfectly will promote growing and give extra strength to the stem. (Only if the plant stretched. Do not do this if everything going fine and no stretch)

Once you feel its time to move to a bigger pot. You will see the plant increase in volume due to extra place for roots and promote vigorous growing. But dont transplant too early otherwise plant will be slowed in its growing phase due to roots not being ready to expend to the new soil zone.


Active Member
Thx guys, i guess i will give them some time to recover then. I hope they will start growing again eventually


Active Member
definatly get a bigger pot first then transfere. i had the same problem last week, i up a bit of1inch pipe arondthe stemand slightly press it into the soil to take it all outof the pot. id never transfered before so just used the pipe so i didnt have to touch the stem, worked fine, alls growing spiffingly.


Active Member
So you reckon i should do it asap? I have bigger pots ready and waiting, i just wasnt sure whether i should do it now or wait?


Active Member
So you reckon i should do it asap? I have bigger pots ready and waiting, i just wasnt sure whether i should do it now or wait?
Well if roots arent at the bottom of you re pot yet its useless to transplant them now. Put light closer to them (without burning them)


Active Member
to be honest im new to this and mine were like yours so i was worrying it might snap. i transfered it and built up more soil around the stem and this week its looking good. just be careful, it can be tricky trying to hold thesoil remove the pot and make sure the stem is good.


Active Member
to be honest im new to this and mine were like yours so i was worrying it might snap. i transfered it and built up more soil around the stem and this week its looking good. just be careful, it can be tricky trying to hold thesoil remove the pot and make sure the stem is good.
That is why i usually wait until i see roots coming from bottom or the plant tell me its time to move on.


Active Member
That is why i usually wait until i see roots coming from bottom or the plant tell me its time to move on.
Sweet, ill wait then. I wasnt too worried about mine snapping because they seemed quite strong even though theyre stretched, i also put in some DIY supports just in case. On a positive note - with vents sorted and lights closer, today i noticed the leaves seem to try to get up again and the juicy green colour is coming back to replace the pale yellowish, so woohoo, those babies definately have some will to live in them :))
Thx again folks


Well-Known Member
Heh, got lost in this forum already lol
Hi madmad :)

Welcome to RiU :)

Just incase you have not found it yet , If you go to you " My Profile " at the top of the page , It will take you to your profile and it will show all your activity on this forum , On the left you can click on " Find all Posts " and then choose the post your looking for :)

Hope that help's , Good Luck with your grow :)

V :peace:


Well-Known Member
So is there a update to this forum? Madman? Oh no ya, he got mad at us so now he left. *cries utterly to himself*