indoor lighting question

im building a grow room in one of my extra bedrooms i know im gonna use a hps bulb setups for flowering but really unsure of what to use for veg. room dimensions are 10ft tall by 12ft wide not sure if cfl's or hps will produce better
this is going to be my first grow or attempt at ever at growing
which would be better just 1 large hps bulb or multiple smaller ones i know the more light the better just really unsure of how i whant to lay it out dont whant to start on the wrong foot
ill be growing in soil..unsure of brand depends on availability in my area. will be using minimal nutes dont whant to over think it


Well-Known Member
if it was me id use 3 x600 watt lights but ive not grown in such a big area, i only got a cab 30 inches hi by 4ftx3ft, got a 250 and 400 in there, you venting to outside?
yea ill be venting outside i live in the middle of no were literly my closest neighbor is almost 1/4mile away have to keep it semi hidden though the g/f doesnt like it lol


Well-Known Member
yea ill be venting outside i live in the middle of no were literly my closest neighbor is almost 1/4mile away have to keep it semi hidden though the g/f doesnt like it lol
no probs with heat then thats good, by what ive seen it doesnt make much difference if you used 3 x 600 or 2 x 1000 , get the 600 closer i guess though, no doubt you will get loads of advice porring in soon, thats a nice little grow space you got.....bloody women
i would do an outdoor grow but the wildlife around here will eat everything i plant everythign from deer to rabbit so was gonna try it inddor at first so i can watch it closer


New Member
im building a grow room in one of my extra bedrooms i know im gonna use a hps bulb setups for flowering but really unsure of what to use for veg. room dimensions are 10ft tall by 12ft wide not sure if cfl's or hps will produce better
this is going to be my first grow or attempt at ever at growing
Stick with a dual specrum HPS lamp from seedling to harvest for faster/better results.
i plan on trying a little bit of both indoor and outdoor just wanted to try the indoor first. i think ill start off with 2x 600hps and only plan on tyring to grow 3 or 4 plants at first to see if i can get the hang of it. thanks for all the help