Should I add nutrients in my tank everyday ?


its states on the box i should put 20mg per 20 l of water but they didnt say if its everyday... what is it? :leaf:

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
feeding is a touchy subject you really need to start off with 50% dose and work your way up every res change to find the plant tolerence till you get a hang of how potent the nutz are, you do not feed then nutz every day its ment to last till your next res change

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yes and no.

The easiest and most straight forward way is to get your 20L of water, add you nutes, then just leave the plants for a week, empty the res, refill and repeat.

However, you can add every day, by using the LUCAS formular, but in my opinion it is more effort and complication than it is worth. It involves measuring the strength of the remaining solution and adding new solution of a certain strength that will mean new + old = the correct reading. I always opt for the new res option, if the res is a little low on water and i'm not quite ready to refill it with solution (time issues for example) it is absolutely fine to just add 5L of ph'ed water to the res for a couple of days.


Yes and no.

The easiest and most straight forward way is to get your 20L of water, add you nutes, then just leave the plants for a week, empty the res, refill and repeat.

However, you can add every day, by using the LUCAS formular, but in my opinion it is more effort and complication than it is worth. It involves measuring the strength of the remaining solution and adding new solution of a certain strength that will mean new + old = the correct reading. I always opt for the new res option, if the res is a little low on water and i'm not quite ready to refill it with solution (time issues for example) it is absolutely fine to just add 5L of ph'ed water to the res for a couple of days.
thx for the help man. can u help me with this too : The instructions in the kit are that I need to put the rockwool in the NFT system when roots appear from the rockwool. When I put the jeffy pallets with the small plant in the rockwool what should I do next in order to grow til roots start to apear ?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If you are still "rooting" the plant, you just want to keep the rockwool nice and moist, not too moist, but moist enough (it should drip some water, but water should not pool around your finger if you poke it).

I don't have any experience in NFT i'm afraid, i read into it but opted for DWC, what i did read about NFT though, was a warning about not putting the plants into the NFT system too soon, and that you should wait for good roots, else the well, i forget, but they said it was bad :D


^thx mate. One last thing, should i put the rockwool under light after adding the pallet in it? otherwise the plant wont grow...


sorry mate ii still didnt set the kit up, i put the seeds in the pallets yesterday they are femenized... they still didnt pop from the pallet...