What Candidate Is Best For Pot Legalization?


Well-Known Member
yeah man i agree, the way things are looking obama shmba domba is looking like he may take it but. and if a black man takes office this country is going to turn in to a blood bath, just wait and see. you think the streets are bad now. with him in the blacks are going to think they are something better than everyone cause a black is in office. if Hillary gets in, then how do we expect other countries to take us serious. how would we be able to talk to the middle east, they have no respect for women over there they make them wear turbans. I'm afraid. very afraid. the democratic party is looking to hot this year.
wow....how dumb is that? Talk about intelligence.


Well-Known Member
Talking about intelligence. Why must people talk about other people. Its the internet homie. Mr.x


Active Member
None of them is good for pot legalization with the possible exception of Ron Paul, who has about as much chance of winning the nomination as I do. The religious fundamentalists will never let Paul be the GOP nominee b/c he is a libertarian. Fundies want your behavior to be dictated by their definition of morality and not by individual choice.

The GOP will once again pander to their fundamentalist base. However, because the GOP is traditionally seen as the "tough on crime party," things probably won't get much worse than they are now because Republicans don't have as much to prove. The possibility for DEA reform and cannabis decriminalization will be nil, though, and most importantly, the justice department is already stacked with extremely right-wing, fundamentalist lawyers from religious law schools, so there will be no significant movement toward rational laws for cannabis under a Republican.

On the other hand, the left, as represented by Obama, Clinton, and Edwards, wants to control citizen behavior because they are statists who believe in the supremacy of the state over its citizens. Any individual autonomy is a threat to a statist. All three of the Dem contenders will toughen up on drugs just to look tough on "crime." Remember, it was Bill Clinton who executed a retarded guy in '92 to look tough for the primaries. Expect Obama to be toughest of all three Dems because of his schtick about using drugs in high school. He'll have something to prove. Hillary is too terrifying to consider -- whatever the polls indicate is the media-driven perception of drugs will dictate her policies. She's just as likely to impose harsh fed prison time for simple possession as she is to begin decriminalization, depending on her approval rating and on focus polling at the time she is expected to act -- the only thing worse than a politician with bad principles is one completely devoid of any principles whatsoever. Finally, Edwards has no chance -- the guy is an empty suit, so I wouldn't expect him to be much different from Hillary.

They are all bad choices because they are all politicians. Don't vote -- it only encourages them.


Well-Known Member
stupid racist ass rednecks

yall cousin fuckers arent smart enough to pull something like that off. hell, the chickens and roosters on your damn farm has more IQ than yall.

The last president that was assassinated was Kennedy. Do yall dumb ass chicken fuckers really think you'd get that close to him? I doubt it. Secret Services will lay your ass down with some type of submachine gun.... probably before you even get a shot off.

some of yall dumb fuckers really irk me. especially when yall fools wont think or talk about president bush getting taken out....impeached or something. but yall fools will sit here and let him take this country down with him.

yall need a mental makeover. Ignorance is bliss, cousin fucking, motherfuckers


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
The president has the power to use the presidency as a platform for change. Ron Paul has an awesome record that is the most consistent of any politician ever. You are picking a winner in this election but you are supposed to pick the person right for the job. If everyone who said "he can't get the nomination" went ahead and voted for Paul and got just one more person to vote for him, he would win (who picks the president anyway...Fox News?). Also, if you don't choose Paul, in my humble opinion, you will be making us all losers by picking your so-called 'winner'. Check him out guys and get involved. He is the only republican with any money now...the rest are broke...so how could he not make it all the way?
Ron Paul for Liberty!


Well-Known Member
The president has the power to use the presidency as a platform for change. Ron Paul has an awesome record that is the most consistent of any politician ever. You are picking a winner in this election but you are supposed to pick the person right for the job. If everyone who said "he can't get the nomination" went ahead and voted for Paul and got just one more person to vote for him, he would win (who picks the president anyway...Fox News?). Also, if you don't choose Paul, in my humble opinion, you will be making us all losers by picking your so-called 'winner'. Check him out guys and get involved. He is the only republican with any money now...the rest are broke...so how could he not make it all the way?
Ron Paul for Liberty!
Vote for Ron Paul... Let them know you're paying attention.


New Member
stupid racist ass rednecks

yall cousin fuckers arent smart enough to pull something like that off. hell, the chickens and roosters on your damn farm has more IQ than yall.

The last president that was assassinated was Kennedy. Do yall dumb ass chicken fuckers really think you'd get that close to him? I doubt it. Secret Services will lay your ass down with some type of submachine gun.... probably before you even get a shot off.

some of yall dumb fuckers really irk me. especially when yall fools wont think or talk about president bush getting taken out....impeached or something. but yall fools will sit here and let him take this country down with him.

yall need a mental makeover. Ignorance is bliss, cousin fucking, motherfuckers

so were all rednecks because we think that it is not right for a black person to be president haha u should b shot too right with him u dumb ass and as far as secret service ha dont act like you know what their capable of dummy usually people arent like hey im getting ready to kill this guy..they do it when they know they got the chance so talk about fucking chickens you idiot...


Well-Known Member
Why Vote for someone just because they favor the legalization of Cannabis. I mean there are other factors to consider as well. Important ones. But yes Legalize.



Well-Known Member
you say racist but i hear the thought of 1st black president getting shot more from black people then white here in the south. i mean wasnt it around 20 years between kennedy to when Reagan????


Well-Known Member
so were all rednecks because we think that it is not right for a black person to be president haha u should b shot too right with him u dumb ass and as far as secret service ha dont act like you know what their capable of dummy usually people arent like hey im getting ready to kill this guy..they do it when they know they got the chance so talk about fucking chickens you idiot...
wow another idiot we need eliminated from the gene pool. you most definitely don't need to be parenting any child.

if you think this way, you must feel the same towards a woman in office. you are a sad soul. I bet you wouldn't run your mouth in person, keyboard courage having ass. Shut the fuck up and have a coke and smile why dont ya.

HAHAHA that is hella funny. talking about its not right for a black person to be president. Ha well look how shitty this country has been ran, and by who? yet you people claim you want change....but how is that when you are scared of change.

haha idiot. Ignorance is bliss and you love it


Well-Known Member
you say racist but i hear the thought of 1st black president getting shot more from black people then white here in the south. i mean wasnt it around 20 years between kennedy to when Reagan????
Im in the south, the bottom of the map. Willing to bet, more southern than you. I highly doubt that. Where im from, minorities are taking over. And that is not coming from a minority


Well-Known Member
you prob are more south then i am but here in nc its more rasizim shown from younger black men then anyone else and the older black men will tell you this in a heart beat. i dont know why or what it is but thats the way its been in my 20 years here.


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
I think the government is to blame for letting some very powerful people indoctrinate us through our education system into believing in the inequality of individuals and superiority of groups. So now instead of individual rights there are group rights and everything is divided and categorized that way...
In one epiphany-filled day researching collectivism, groupthink, fascism, communism, libertarianism, republic, democracy, c.i.a., zeitgeist, and the other terms those searches will lead you to, you can become one hell of an enemy to tyranny.


Well-Known Member
wow another idiot we need eliminated from the gene pool. you most definitely don't need to be parenting any child.

if you think this way, you must feel the same towards a woman in office. you are a sad soul. I bet you wouldn't run your mouth in person, keyboard courage having ass. Shut the fuck up and have a coke and smile why dont ya.

HAHAHA that is hella funny. talking about its not right for a black person to be president. Ha well look how shitty this country has been ran, and by who? yet you people claim you want change....but how is that when you are scared of change.

haha idiot. Ignorance is bliss and you love it
You are the idiot here dude. His statement was thought out, and had good points. Whether they are true or not. We will see. And all you had was "chicken fucker" and "redneck". By the way if you think Obama is the right guy. Do a little research and check out his middle name. Its HUSSEIN. You want that guy running this thing? Not me.


Well-Known Member
Im with ya Lord Blunts Im also at the bottom of the map ,Im not voteing for obama, but I dont think race should matter. This idiot :roll: thinks just because his middle name is Hussein hes a terrorist get a grip you trailer trash skinheads.....Jmac