i think i have thrips?


Well-Known Member
i will take some up close pics asap, gf. got a new camera :) lol. so my apologies but ya i think i have thrips by looking at grizzlys sticky thread on pests.. they are leaving what looks to be like shiny bits here and there and only by this i am guessing they are thrips cuz they are so small i dont know if they have wings or not. i was putting the od plant outside so thats probly how they got in here. i have 12 big plants vegging along with 12 potted clones all under a 400watt MH with 7200k bulb in my basement.. this is where i actually see them, ive seen some affects on my flowering plants (2 autogrowers) but not the actual bug which scares me from what grizzly said> how they like to live,shit,eat in the bud. veg is doing really well surprisingly how crammed it is but i only have a year from now to do as much budding as possible, last thing i need is some thrips inside, hense y i grew inside so i cud control everything, fooled myself there (bug wise). but i havent done n e thing cuz they havent really damaged my plants that much but from grizzlys thread it sounds like i could have trouble coming so n e one know how to deal with these the best??? other then just misting with water and blowing heavy wind of course.


Well-Known Member
Get a Hot Shot No Pest strip. Hang it up in your grow room. About $6 at home Depot or Lowes. If you take plants outside and bring them back in, this can easily happen. You could bring back in ants, aphids, thrips, flies, mites, etc. If you take them outside might want to think twice about bringing them back inside.


Well-Known Member
is this strip like a sticky strip? and ya def. thot twice about that! lol i just really felt the need to get as much of that sunlight as possible around the 12pm mark. does wonders for the outdoors ive seen, havent tried yet tho like i said.. wanted to control the environment n not hav to worry about the MILLions of bug problems ppl have, not to mention getting them stolen but ya def. not doing that n e more. id like to build a greenhouse for the winter tho, the sun gets so intense. n e ways thanx for the comment with no pics lol


Well-Known Member
yes i DEF. have thrips i can tell by how skinny and long they are, they are SOOOO small that they almost look like tiny tiny maggets but if u get up real close and have a good eye they look just like this pic



Uses the Rollitup profile
Pest strips may help, or they may not.

The only thing that will totally get rid of thrips is Spinosad, the active ingredient in Monterey Gardens pest spray.

Try that and you will be Thrip free.



Well-Known Member
i looked up that hot shot no pest strips - they are not like sticky strips (just for anyones info whos checking this thread out), they are an odor strip and apparently very effective but probly shouldnt be used for flowering plants with problems, which makes it a hard decision, they leave a toxic residue on n e thing they come in contact with and im not sure if flushing ur plant like normal gets rid of this, and of course u probly dont want to rinse ur beautiful buds in water etc. but my problem is in my veg area so i say fuck it, im tired of these fuckers. they are ruining all my little shoots which is weakening my cloneing in the long run.


Well-Known Member
Pest strips may help, or they may not.

The only thing that will totally get rid of thrips is Spinosad, the active ingredient in Monterey Gardens pest spray.

Try that and you will be Thrip free.

thanx for the exact ingredient, makes shopping easier. respects dude


Well-Known Member
i looked up that hot shot no pest strips - they are not like sticky strips (just for anyones info whos checking this thread out), they are an odor strip and apparently very effective but probly shouldnt be used for flowering plants with problems, which makes it a hard decision, they leave a toxic residue on n e thing they come in contact with and im not sure if flushing ur plant like normal gets rid of this, and of course u probly dont want to rinse ur beautiful buds in water etc. but my problem is in my veg area so i say fuck it, im tired of these fuckers. they are ruining all my little shoots which is weakening my cloneing in the long run.
I use Hot shots no pest strips in times of extreme need.

The chemical Dychlorvos (sp) is degrades quickly into the air. from the research i have done you should not use them after you only have 2weeks left.

But i will stress that they are carcenegenic and should only be used in extreme cases.

POTROAST is absolutely right about the spinosad. I personally use the NATURALYTE version of the product. IT KICKS ASS ON PRETTY MUCH ANY PEST!!!!!!!!!!!

It is OMRI listed as organic as it is a bacterium that was found by a vacationing scientist in an old rum distillery.



Well-Known Member
i think becuz i live in canada they dont allow use of "spinosad" i have looked at tons of insecticide products and non of them have this ingredient. how ever pretty much all of them had the ingredient "pyethrins" i purchased 2 different kinds, and 2 hot shot no pest strips. the pest strips do seem extreme but at this point im not sure if i care lol. i havent used the insecticides yet cuz i wanted to see how these pest strips would do. i havent seen a thrip since, but they are very small so who knows. can i put them back in ziplock bags to save for another time? ( i am using 2 in a 15x12x7.5 room in my basement with only vans in my grow room, no ventilation system or n e thing set up yet, i do have an air purifier but i turned it off becuz i thot it would defeat the purpose of the strips )


Well-Known Member
Yes you can put them back into ziplock bags when not in use.

Hot shots no pest strips work best once all fans are shut down so that the vapour can penetrate its way through the room.

the trouble with thrips is that they have a stage of the life cycle where they live in your medium too. So you need something to treat the medium with.

I live in the UK and spinosad is not found in any products other than small amounts in ant powders which are not in a form that can be used on plants.

I order it from the USA and pay $19.99 for a pint and $34 for shipping lol.

BUt its well worth it.

Can you not just order it from www.ebay.com and await the delivery?



Well-Known Member
ya i could do that, just thot it would b easier to find something at a local store. i took down the hot shot no pest strips, got some other stuff, but i havent seen any on any of my foliage since i had them up so i havent used the insecticide sprays


Well-Known Member
ya i could do that, just thot it would b easier to find something at a local store. i took down the hot shot no pest strips, got some other stuff, but i havent seen any on any of my foliage since i had them up so i havent used the insecticide sprays
LIke i said they have a stage where they live in your medium.

You will see them jumping around when you water and flood the medium if you look closely enough.

Mosquito dunks i have read work too if you can find any of these. I think they have a bacterium in it called Bacillus_thuringiensis




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Dow AgroSciences Canada Inc.
Suite 2100, 450 - 1 Street S.W.
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 5H1


[FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]give um a call they have alot of products that contain spinosad


Well-Known Member
thanx will do. and ya i will see what happends when i feed tomoro.. are they reproducing in the soil or eating my roots? and is spinosad a part of a contact only kill spray? cuz thats all ive bin able to find without harming my plants


Active Member
Try captain jack's dead bug. Made of Spinosad, abused it on mites, thrips, and caterpillar. It didn't ruin my buds or make them taste funny. I swear by that stuff.