What the fuck you going to sit there and tell me to move out of my country who the fuck are you, come over here and make me. I dont sell weed and never have and could give a fuck less of big marijuana. You,ve realy crossed the line telling someone to move out of america because thier beliefs are differnt than yours.I got way more respect for the little man selling weed on the streets even if it is illegal or if his product is overpriced vs. fucking
Corporatocracy. You going to say that just because something is the way it is it ok. Ill alway fight bigbuseniss and bid government for as long as they exist.People say that corporate-government is "The American way" yeah and look were we as a country are because of it.Im tired of polititions saying they will fight for the little man when they'er running for office then they get elected and big business puts them in there back pocket.I am a part of and will always support to the fullest small business.I work for a small hydro shop and 90% of the custumers who buy from us are small marijuana business people and they'ev voiced there opinion on prop 19 and I would say that about 90% of them say there going to vote no because its going to put them out of business.Even NORML says that if prop 19 passes it will definitely put small "mom and pop" growers out of business. These people support me buy buying from my place of work so I am definitely
going to support them buy also VOTING NO.
And yes a lisence to sell will be outrageously expensive,the Ca government is trying to make 1.4 billion dollors a year of this shit.