Cannabutter help please!!


Active Member
I have 20 grams of fan leaves and trim (no shake or buds) i got for five bucks can i make a stick of cannabutter with this? Please help i am in pain and realy need meds!!!:-?


Weed Modifier
Yes, or you can make Qwiso hash, or oil! My favorite is oil it will get whatever is there and condense it to very little, but good!
Less is More!


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:Hey mate.. feelin ya pain. I'll tease ya, I got 10 cookies I made from my own bubble hash sittin in the freezer right now. They are freakin potent.

I have made butter two ways..

Made hash first using the ice method, then melted the hash in with 200grams of butter and a litre of water. I started with around 12 ounces of leaf and tip and ended up with 14 fairyland cookies :peace: :mrgreen:

Second is what I think you should do...
Cut your leaf up real fine.
Boil 1-2 litres of water with 75 grams of butter.
Add leaf to boiling water and butter. Simmer for 45-60 mins.
Strain the goop through a dish cloth (fine mesh) into a bowl
Let the bowl cool in the fridge for 4-8 hours
Once the cannabutter has set (firm on top), break the cannabutter away from the seperated water.
Put butter in cake mix. Eat :mrgreen:


Weed Modifier
:mrgreen:Hey mate.. feelin ya pain. I'll tease ya, I got 10 cookies I made from my own bubble hash sittin in the freezer right now. They are freakin potent.

I have made butter two ways..

Made hash first using the ice method, then melted the hash in with 200grams of butter and a litre of water. I started with around 12 ounces of leaf and tip and ended up with 14 fairyland cookies :peace: :mrgreen:

Second is what I think you should do...
Cut your leaf up real fine.
Boil 1-2 litres of water with 75 grams of butter.
Add leaf to boiling water and butter. Simmer for 45-60 mins.
Strain the goop through a dish cloth (fine mesh) into a bowl
Let the bowl cool in the fridge for 4-8 hours
Once the cannabutter has set (firm on top), break the cannabutter away from the seperated water.
Put butter in cake mix. Eat :mrgreen:
Teasing me I'm hungry. lol


Well-Known Member
Ha Ha

Its well worth the effort, half and I'm sein double. Whole.. well havenn't been game enough yet lol


Active Member
This: Here is the cooking process I've followed:

2 sticks of unsalted organic butter. (1/2 lb, or 227 grms)
10 grams of (seeded and large stems removed) medium grade marijuana ground to a fine consistancy.
1.5 liters of water
1.5 quart glass or metal bowl
1 medium sauce pan with lid

I brought butter to room temp while the water was boiling in the medium sauce pan to speed up the melting process. From here on stirr at least every 15 minutes.
Once the water was boiling I placed the bowl with the butter ontop the sauce pan making sure the water was not touching the bottom of the bowl. (Double boiler process) I then turned down the heat to the lowest setting once the butter had melted.
I then added the MJ, and stirred. Once the temprature of the water regulated on the low setting (about 30 min), then I covered the bowl with the lid from the sauce pan. I turned up the heat to medium and left it for another 30 min.
I then turned the heat up to a med-high setting (stirring constanly), but for only 15 min.
Aftewards I turned down the heat to medium-low, and let it cook for 30 min.
Finally I turned it down to low once again, and let it set there for 30 more min.

I'm making mothers milk with the left over butter bud. Take chees cloth wrap all teh bud int it and tie ina knot tightly. Any bud gets out, and you may not like it...grity, or you'd have to strain hot milk. turn milk on low, and steep for a minimum of 4 hours. Works great with flavored teas, so I figured why not. I have added a drop of vinnilla extract, cinnamon, and nutmaeg to it while it is cooking. It will be ready later with the cookies.

I have read in many places that the variations in heat extract different elements out of herbs. I know this to be true when we make infused oils in the kitchen. Therefor I concluded that I would variate the heat and times to be sure not to burn the butter, but to bring out all the elments.

Now it is processed. Simply strained through a cheese cloth with the two dowl wring method. Twisting until the cloth begins to give or the butter stops dripping. This was my first time, but I was able to yeald 7 oz of liquid butter from 2 sticks of butter. Is that an exceptable loss ratio?

(i didnt write that, but it seems legit)

Damn RIU....that image is crap...



Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:Hey mate.. feelin ya pain. I'll tease ya, I got 10 cookies I made from my own bubble hash sittin in the freezer right now. They are freakin potent.

I have made butter two ways..

Made hash first using the ice method, then melted the hash in with 200grams of butter and a litre of water. I started with around 12 ounces of leaf and tip and ended up with 14 fairyland cookies :peace: :mrgreen:

Second is what I think you should do...
Cut your leaf up real fine.
Boil 1-2 litres of water with 75 grams of butter.
Add leaf to boiling water and butter. Simmer for 45-60 mins.
Strain the goop through a dish cloth (fine mesh) into a bowl
Let the bowl cool in the fridge for 4-8 hours
Once the cannabutter has set (firm on top), break the cannabutter away from the seperated water.
Put butter in cake mix. Eat :mrgreen:
aww cookies are ok ,

but i love my brownies , lol
