Is that really me in my avatar ??


Well-Known Member
I remember a time when showing a picture of yourself with a gun talking about your grow up would have been considered crazy... times sure are a changin'.:roll:
maybe it's legal where homie grows at...and it's completely legal to own a gun...that is of course if you have a license.

the more you know.

hey who wants to hit this bowl i'm about to spark??bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
hahahaha. nothing but dank.... if it aint some danks then it's not for me thanks...el oh elles i just made that shit up.


Too many brownies
If it isnt dank

And it doesnt stank

I dont want that junk

Unless its the funk

Now pass me some goods stuff

And ill take a nice puff

I love this weed

Its some good shit indeed

Three hits and your done

It hits you like a gun and its a lot of fucking fun

yeah.....I just made that up too :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i have to sleep...but i'm almost done with this music video project for class.and i don't want to stop now..sooo closeeee.


Well-Known Member
Take a hit from the bong

My thoughts become long

Life comes to slow

little high little low

cause if it aint that dank

i aint wasting my bank

that shit better be funky skunky

for me to spend my money


Well-Known Member
oh im gonna finish this music video. i'll be here. i'm multi tasking like whoa....

watching shin chan
working on a music video with the song lightworks by jay dilla d
and on riu.