HydroHUT Original Rev2 w/ 1kW and 12 Experimentals


Active Member

I outfitted a 4.5x4.5ft HydroHUT with a 4x4 AA tray and 25Gal reservoir. Nutrient solution is deliverd through pvc lines that have barb outlets which dumps into the pots; so its not exactly a drip system but some derivation. The feed schedule is set to dump every 6 hours for 2 minutes at 250-75GPH which is roughly 0.18GPM per plant site. I'm using PBP in a soiless medium, 3-4 weeks in, 1500ppm as per Botanicare's recommended schedule (i hav pdf if u want). My plants are currently exhibiting some type of nutrient defficiency. I keep the res steady at 6.0 pH but its proving a challenge trying to satisfy the different genetic needs of these 12 and i hav'nt dialed this new setup in. i was hoping you one of you might have some input.

It seems like the concentration is high enough but maybe i'm not dosing them enough. I went from 8 hr intervals to 6 and now i'm playing with 3min on rather than just 2.

I'll try and snap some photos but the plant margins are pointed downward, tips are brown and many are curled under. The leaves have dark green veigns/centers but the rest is a soft pale sickly green. Does it sound like a combination of nutrient burn and N defficiency or have i misjudged...


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You should keep the ph around 5.8. Also are you flooding the roots or the whole pot with that heavy a drink? If its a direct flood you may be overdoing it as if it was a drip it would drip all day slowly and if it was a flood table you flood 3-4 times day for about 10-15 minutes every6-8 hours and then it drains out slwly allowing a slow water and feed.Im not a bonticare user but I only get to 1500 ppm late in the flower stage never above 800 in first 3 weeks of growing in hydro/aero.Be sure your using hydro schedule and not soil schedule.Usually you start aroun 400 ppm and get up to around 1500 pmm then lower it down to 1000 ppm then no nutes


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Also you didnt start off the plants with the 1000 watt light correct as thats too much for a plant under 3 weeks of age really unless its a clone thats well rooted


Active Member
Check out my gallery.

I think they'll do a lot to clarify my situation. Solution is pumped through those pvc lines and out those barbs which I tried to photograph. I just maneuver the pots underneath.

Regarding the initial lighting situation; I used a 8 bank 4' t5 flouro to gett them started.

Here's the formula I used 1wk ago. PBP line-up...

Grow 625-750mL | 2.6-3.2cps
Cal-mag 125-175mL | 0.5-0.75cp
LK 250mL | 1cp
HydroGuard 250mL-375mL | 1-1.5cp

pH 6.0
PPM 1600 (preseently 1300)


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Looks like a nitrogen deficiecy and an over watering issue.Thats way more complicated then it needs to be just add 2 drains to the table and then flood the table 3-4 times day and you dont have to have all that pipping ans tuff and you can control the flood easier.Also makes alot more room in those small tents.Not much help on those nutes as thats alot more additives then I ever used I like a simple 3 bottle nute mix by stage and I have never hit higher then 1500 on any grow I have ever done


Active Member
What may look complex is actually engineered for symplicity; that pvc assembly breaks down easily and is very portable not to mention reusable. Fllooding the tray would require a larger reservor and other modifications that are unnecessary when I have a funcional setup.

the only space to leverage is vertical and while I could probably raise the hood; its a delicate process mounting and routing everything so I'd rather avoid the hassle. it'd only be worth 4-5" more.



Active Member
Lighting Schedule: 1800-1200

Previous Feeding Schedule:
1800 | 6hr | 2400 | 6hr | 0600 | 6hr | 1200 | 6hr

Revisd Feeding Schedule
1900 |8hr | 0300 | 8hr | 1100 | 8hrs

Nutrient is delivered via a 250-75GPH pump for 2-min intervals.

Hopefully this will help with any overwatering as some have observed from my galley shots...


Active Member
Is it a bettr strategy with pbp and similar multi-part formulas to pick your proportions of nutrients and to mix them generously in a sepeate container. Then mix in res for desied concentration. if so, do you supplement your res to keep the nutrient availability as static as possibe.....or do you prefer to llet your res naturally age between flushes without supping...?


Active Member
So, this weeks formula is stronger than I expected. I was shooting for 800-900ppm but I wound up at 1155ppm. One nice feature about PBP is that it seems to pH my res perfectly. I didn't use any up or down to hit 5.65. Have others noticed this?

I decided since I was having so many problems with the 12 to do a thorough 40-60min flush with 2x clearex. Hopefully they'll adapt to this weks brew...

Week 4 Summary
Reservoir Flush
Ran Clearex in Res 40-60mins (EC 925)
Grow 1.5cp | C-M 0.5cp | LK 1cp | HG 1cp
Res w/o Anything 34ppm/68ec 7.33pH
Final Stats (ppm/ec):
Grow 740/1448 | C-M 970/1900
LK 1154/2265 | HG 1155/2265
=1155ppm/2265ec @ 5.65pH

Moderator»» Can we move this to journals/diary section?


Active Member
I have been thinking of getting one of those grow tents, but now I don't know. It really looks tight in there. :mrgreen::confused:
How's the grow going?


Active Member
They are tight, but the pics do a really poor job of capturing the 4.5' of depth. I do have some problems with the huts,
1) Dimensions should be generous rather than conservative. 5.5x5.5x7ft would be perfecr
2) The cross-support rods that your left to hang equipment from are pathetically weak and unsettling
3) Tent (original) should be more accesible with multiple entry sides
4) metal frame is not rust proof and even seems prone to rusting in the natural humidity (which I do try and control) of a greenhouse
5) Inconvenient pre-cut ventilation ports.
6) Multipe Air vents are needed spaced vertically

With all that said, I like my hut. It feels more reliable (safe, secure, controlled) than draped plastic with duct tape and screw-hooks everywhere. It makes for a very affordable means of creating a micro-environment for your project. Depending on what you want todo and howthe hUts can be great but they do require patience.

the grow is disappointing. I was negligent when they were young and cmpensating for there deficiencies has made for a yo-yo diet; and they never have looked very good but progress is ok. I ordered some big bud and I hope to make a better start of things both in setup and care.


Well-Known Member
They are tight, but the pics do a really poor job of capturing the 4.5' of depth. I do have some problems with the huts,
1) Dimensions should be generous rather than conservative. 5.5x5.5x7ft would be perfecr
2) The cross-support rods that your left to hang equipment from are pathetically weak and unsettling
3) Tent (original) should be more accesible with multiple entry sides
4) metal frame is not rust proof and even seems prone to rusting in the natural humidity (which I do try and control) of a greenhouse
5) Inconvenient pre-cut ventilation ports.
6) Multipe Air vents are needed spaced vertically

With all that said, I like my hut. It feels more reliable (safe, secure, controlled) than draped plastic with duct tape and screw-hooks everywhere. It makes for a very affordable means of creating a micro-environment for your project. Depending on what you want todo and howthe hUts can be great but they do require patience.

the grow is disappointing. I was negligent when they were young and cmpensating for there deficiencies has made for a yo-yo diet; and they never have looked very good but progress is ok. I ordered some big bud and I hope to make a better start of things both in setup and care.

very well said. I love my hut as well. Sure you can make this but it would take a ton of time and material and this already is pretty good, designed for our purpose with pre cut holes and cheap on ebay. It does have light leak in front in two places where zippers meet let it be known as well, but thats fixed with some tape.

And Donor keep us up to date i like setup. Check out my thread I as well have a hydrohut grow going with tons of pics currently. And Id love to compare yields, im doing soil with a 400 and 600.


Active Member
Hey Donor what happened to your crop? I'm new here and trying to check out new ways of growing. I like your setup with the growtent and all. How did it work out?