EPIC Blue cheese grow....


Well-Known Member
I tired to LST and SCROG and I just ended up screwing up.
Jounrals like these help me understand how to make my shit better haha


Well-Known Member

Hi everyone...

Just a few pics of the clones and mothers i SCROG'd.

I have potted 2 more trays up with clones and will be doing 1 more tray tomorrow. And as you can see the nodes in the screen have all turned to look at the sun. Im going to add more lights to the flower room this week to give the canopy a more even spread. I'll document and post on here when i get to it...




Well-Known Member
Took a while to get the message. Been off for a while. Thanks Jon.

I'm in. This should be very informative.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone.

So all the clones have been transplanted in to the trays and are now resting in the flower room. Im having the lights on 18/6 so that the clones can have a slight bit of veg time before the transplant into the split container pots this weekend coming. Then they will have 2 days more veg before the magic of flower begins.

And as you can see i have 8 plants in pots near the trays, These will be my new mothers. I have 2 x Blue cheese, 2 x blueberry and 4 x PPP And will be going in to my tent set up. Modification pictures of this are to follow soon.

I have also uploaded some pics of the SCROG. The 7 plants that are under the screen are doing fantastic and are growing like crazy plants. I am constantly looking at where the nodes are growing and shuffling them around to fit the space best i can.... But i must say its like a frigging birds nest.....lol New light's going in tomorrow.....




Well-Known Member
Hi everyone.

So all the clones have been transplanted in to the trays and are now resting in the flower room. Im having the lights on 18/6 so that the clones can have a slight bit of veg time before the transplant into the split container pots this weekend coming. Then they will have 2 days more veg before the magic of flower begins.

And as you can see i have 8 plants in pots near the trays, These will be my new mothers. I have 2 x Blue cheese, 2 x blueberry and 4 x PPP And will be going in to my tent set up. Modification pictures of this are to follow soon.

I have also uploaded some pics of the SCROG. The 7 plants that are under the screen are doing fantastic and are growing like crazy plants. I am constantly looking at where the nodes are growing and shuffling them around to fit the space best i can.... But i must say its like a frigging birds nest.....lol New light's going in tomorrow.....

i see the scrogged mothers took very well. and every thing is lookin great and soon it will get really exiting. to see every thing fill in.
i was just thinking that if you had a male PPP or BB that it would make a really good strain if bred right.


Well-Known Member
i see the scrogged mothers took very well. and every thing is lookin great and soon it will get really exiting. to see every thing fill in.
i was just thinking that if you had a male PPP or BB that it would make a really good strain if bred right.
O man your so right, but at the moment i have to consentrate on this grow. I have thought about this on many occasions, and will be looking to breed in the future...


Well-Known Member
O man your so right, but at the moment i have to consentrate on this grow. I have thought about this on many occasions, and will be looking to breed in the future...
i was just throwin it out as an idea for the future. or for any one who has these strains. now that i think about it though when i start growing again i mite get seeds of both and do some breeding my self


Well-Known Member
i was just throwin it out as an idea for the future. or for any one who has these strains. now that i think about it though when i start growing again i mite get seeds of both and do some breeding my self
Yeah it would be cool to see what would happen in the process of breeding. I think once i have a couple more grows under the old belt then i will find space to grow and breed one of my own strains... Would be great to have a strain to my name... Of course i would be looking to get the most from my own strain, such as a yield over 600g per Meter and THC above 20%....

I think im going to start looking at this more closely for the future. so i can have my notes to hand when the time comes.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it would be cool to see what would happen in the process of breeding. I think once i have a couple more grows under the old belt then i will find space to grow and breed one of my own strains... Would be great to have a strain to my name... Of course i would be looking to get the most from my own strain, such as a yield over 600g per Meter and THC above 20%....

I think im going to start looking at this more closely for the future. so i can have my notes to hand when the time comes.
i have not done any breeding before but i am very interested in it and like you i want my own strain with high yeild and thc%. but that will all have to wait a few years before i can even start to grow again


Well-Known Member
i have not done any breeding before but i am very interested in it and like you i want my own strain with high yeild and thc%. but that will all have to wait a few years before i can even start to grow again
May the future bring the fruits of our labors in the form of our own breed's.....lol


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone.

I have been busy sorting out my tent for the mother's to sit in. As you can see i have a new 250 w lights and ballast.

I had to get rid of the frame i was using for the clone platform but think i may use this again in the tent at some point for veging new clones. As for the new clone room, I'm going to use the T5 light in a small under-stairs room. I will upload pic of this when i come to it... And as always i will document how i do this...

so after giving the inner tent a good clean out i hung 2 yoyo's from the frame, added the light and connected everything up on a timer. I added a 15" fan and placed it at the bottom for now. I will hang this off the frame when the mothers start to fill out somewhat.
I will also be adding a small intake and outtake using PC fans. pics to follow at some point. I have a min/max temp reader in there and everything seems to be good.

I will transplant the mothers in to 12 liter square pots when they are ready and place some trays under them for any runoff to keep everything tidy.


