First Grow, CFL Indoor Closet, Sour Cream & Bubblelicious


Well-Known Member
I see more pistils on both of them. I counted 5 on the bubble and 3 on the sour cream. Bubble looks as if it's getting sick, lots of leaves turning the color of calcium deficiency. Need to get something for it tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Well well. Where to start. Today is the 9th day of 12/12. I noticed something on the bubblelicious that was well... You look


w00t :D Looks like it realize it was a female and started to pre flower. I see these little beauties all over it. The Sour Cream is still lagging behind a bit and I still see the same few hairs. Maybe tomorrow. Bubblelicious is 15" tall :O The sour cream is 10.5" tall. Both have almost doubled their growth in 9 days of 12/12.


Well-Known Member
looking great my man nice to hear the good news. mom found 4 of my seedlings when she came over. all the freebies from attitude. still got the lsd, aurora indica and vanilla kush seedlings tho. =(


Well-Known Member
legit. From your last picture, I honestly thought it was going to be a male plant. Im glad to see they turned out to be a female.
Yea me too, I was trying to not get bummed about it but I couldn't help it sometimes. So glad it showed it's sex finally. The hairs have gotten a lot longer since I took the picture. They are sleeping now. The bubble was over 15" before the lights went off, the sour cream was 10" still. When did yours stop growing vertical Cherry?


nice dude i just ordered some a bubblelicious along with La Diva and Himalaen Blue Diesel, all auto flower, this will be my 2nd grow as i have 2 seedlings i have found which are possibly blue cheese or some other exotic strain. looks good, i cant wait to have what you have right there lol waiting on some more from you


Well-Known Member
I just flipped the switch on my Bubbles after reading about your growth. 3 of my plants started stretching fast in the last 2 days and I guess they are ready. The tallest is about 11". I have 5 more Bubblelicious seedlings that are lookin good, about 3-4" and they'll be vegging under Flouros while my adults have the LED chamber.

Happy Harvests!


Well-Known Member
Day 35 (10th day of 12/12)

The Bubble is about 16" tall now, the sour cream has grown to 12" overnight. 2" in 12 hours of dark for the sour cream! Excellent. I was hoping it would start to put on some vertical growth. Something I learned during this whole process, don't forget to compensate for the pot/growbag and light setup. I built a 3' tall box thinking I was going to have 3' for them to grow. I have 30" total from bottom of box to top of the lights. bags are 9" tall so that leaves me with less than 3ft for each plant. So instead of buying 3 gal grow bags, I should have bought 1.5 or 2 gal. Next time I'll try 1 or 2 gal growbags and plant some more seeds.


Sour Cream


Active Member
Yea me too, I was trying to not get bummed about it but I couldn't help it sometimes. So glad it showed it's sex finally. The hairs have gotten a lot longer since I took the picture. They are sleeping now. The bubble was over 15" before the lights went off, the sour cream was 10" still. When did yours stop growing vertical Cherry?
I really cant remember. They are still growing though. Ill measure my plants when i get back from school. My BB seems to be slowing down. Its putting energy into forming the buds. They do start to reek of bud, so be ready to go into odor control.


Well-Known Member
I really cant remember. They are still growing though. Ill measure my plants when i get back from school. My BB seems to be slowing down. Its putting energy into forming the buds. They do start to reek of bud, so be ready to go into odor control.
Thanks for the tip. I already have my carbon filter in place. I'm still not sure how well it will work.

looken great bro. how long does it take for these fuckers to show some buds lol
lol, i'm thinking the same thing. I would think a couple weeks because they are under cfl's instead of hps. They probably will take a bit longer to start flower.


Well-Known Member
Some bad news... Almost certain the bubble is a hermie. Just seen a rather large ball looking thing near the top. One node down has a very long pistil coming out of it.. :( Pictures in a few minutes. Should I kill it now or wait a few more days to know 100% or is this pretty much inevitable?



Well-Known Member
I've counted about 10 different sets of pistils and 3 ball looking objects. All are in different places. The "balls" with the exception of the one in the picture don't look to have gotten any bigger. Think it tried to hermie but didn't? Is that even possible?


Well-Known Member
Cut the balls off!!! I've done this and all my buds came out seedless... Make sure you dont miss one......if you do, it wont produce many seeds.....


Well-Known Member
Cut the balls off!!! I've done this and all my buds came out seedless... Make sure you dont miss one......if you do, it wont produce many seeds.....
I cut the ones off I thought were balls. The one in the picture is the only one that definitely looks like a ball. The others are suspicious but I took them off too. I was thinking(and hoping) that it was trying to hermie but it didn't because the one that I cut off didn't look like it had gotten much bigger than when I first noticed it. This morning however, the plant had one set of pistils, now it's got 10, so I'm hoping it isn't going to hermie. If I notice more balls appear I'll know for sure.

Still nothing on the sour cream, I'm sure it'll be fem because I had suspensions of the bubble for a week now because it had what i thought looked like balls, whereas the sour cream has nothing at all. It'll be cool to open the box tomorrow to a bunch of pistils on the sour and have it grow another 2" over night.


Well-Known Member
If it starts seeding they would be hermie seeds, not only that it would probably ruin my other plant that is most likely a fem. I haven't noticed anymore ball looking objects. Neither plant grew an inch last night, I think it's time for some feeding with nutes. Soil is pretty dry now.


Well-Known Member
I found this stuff called Dutch Master, suppose to stop hermie in it's tracks. I've read some very positive things about it.


Well-Known Member
Ok, just bought some Dutchmaster reverse. Guy at hydro store says it will work so we'll see. He said to give it a very good foliar spray then do it again 10 days later. If this stuff works it will be a good investment instead of picking them off.