Club 600


Well-Known Member
Genuity, I'm a soil guy too and I no longer pay for 'premium' soil. I use Scott's for indoor containers, add either miracle grow organic or this time I'm using spaghnum peat moss and perlite. My best harvest so far has been in Scott's, not foxfarm. I just bought a 2 cubic foot bag of soil and a 2 cubic foot bag of peat moss and it cost me less than one bag of 1.5 cf of foxfarm ocean forest. I try to keep it mind we are growing a weed, not orchids, they don't have to be babied like we baby them. I have no complaints, the worst thing I've had is a few soil gnats here and there, have zero this grow and last grow, both in Scott's. I plan on doing a sort of sog, except with not so many plants, I'm thinking with both lights burning maybe forty eight plants in half gallon grow bags. Around week three I'll remove the bottom third of the plant and basically have one big bud from each plant. I built a twelve site cloner and plan on taking cuttings from my four mothers every two weeks, less if they root sooner.

sounding like i'm headed down that road to,i like my soil(ffof)but mixing my own might be at hand here.
i've been reserching this no veg thing with a few strains,and i'm almost honed in on a few,i realy want to do one full run jus to see.
hell i might jus put as many 16"plants in 5gal pots i can fit in the tent,and see what comes of it.
Hey G, have you thought about recycling. Not sure what your space situation is like, perhaps a compost pile is out of the question. Even still, you can use a fair good percentage of your old medium, providing you prime it properly (microorganisms etc...)dont mean to teach you to suck eggs just throwing an idea out.:peace:

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Genuity, if you look at Al B. Fuct's thread, how to get a harvest every two weeks it's very informative, so much so I didn't read more than a few pages before the picture in my mind was clear about what I want to try to accomplish. Like you, this isn't for money, I 'share' some with close friends at very, very, reasonable prices. I like to cover the cost of the grow and the rest is my harvest to do with as I see fit. I like to share, so most of it goes up into smoke with friends, I might smoke twenty percent by myself of what I grow. I presume it's the same kind of feeling of spending a lot of time preparing a nice meal and seeing people enjoy your labor of love. I am a child of the sixties, my teen years were with Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin, Woodstock, lsd and concerts, the whole peace and love scene...and forty years later I still wonder why this country has not adopted that theme? I drift.

I've never attempted any of the stuff I am attempting to accomplish. I haven't read up on strains that are good for sea of green or strains that are good for 12/12, all I do know, it's cannabis and you can pretty much make it do what you want when you want it to, so I know if I clone the mothers, root them successfully, they will flower with no veg time and produce pretty nice colas. I've done a couple 12/12 from seed grows and got nice buds without having any idea of how to actually maximize a yield. It's all one big ongoing experiment as far as I'm concerned, it's probably why I can't settle into a routine of growing, I want to try as many different things as I can with the time I have on this earth. This time around I have a very good idea of what I'm trying to do and how to go about doing it. Hopefully by the end of the cool season in florida I'll have it dialed in and be producing some nice little plants. Right now I'm attempting to let my mothers get root bound in their little three ounce cups and then transplant into twenty ounce cups, let them get root bound and then transplant into one gallon grow bags to be kept as mothers for a few months or so. I am trying to build a solid root ball in each cup before going to the next size up, good roots, good plants. I read where allowing them to become root bound before transplanting will help to fill the container completely with roots instead of some of the soil having no roots. I'll try almost anything once that sounds like it might be probable or at least plausible.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Genuity, after reading your post again, I would love to not have to grow in july, august or september, it's almost five here and it still is almost ninety degrees, my electric bills are rather expensive in the summer months and I would love to avoid them if I had enough smoke.


Well-Known Member
Hey G, have you thought about recycling. Not sure what your space situation is like, perhaps a compost pile is out of the question. Even still, you can use a fair good percentage of your old medium, providing you prime it properly (microorganisms etc...)dont mean to teach you to suck eggs just throwing an idea out.:peace:
now this might be something to try,thanks alot never thought about it.if you dont mind,i would like a lil info if you will.
Genuity, if you look at Al B. Fuct's thread, how to get a harvest every two weeks it's very informative, so much so I didn't read more than a few pages before the picture in my mind was clear about what I want to try to accomplish. Like you, this isn't for money, I 'share' some with close friends at very, very, reasonable prices. I like to cover the cost of the grow and the rest is my harvest to do with as I see fit. I like to share, so most of it goes up into smoke with friends, I might smoke twenty percent by myself of what I grow. I presume it's the same kind of feeling of spending a lot of time preparing a nice meal and seeing people enjoy your labor of love. I am a child of the sixties, my teen years were with Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin, Woodstock, lsd and concerts, the whole peace and love scene...and forty years later I still wonder why this country has not adopted that theme? I drift.

I've never attempted any of the stuff I am attempting to accomplish. I haven't read up on strains that are good for sea of green or strains that are good for 12/12, all I do know, it's cannabis and you can pretty much make it do what you want when you want it to, so I know if I clone the mothers, root them successfully, they will flower with no veg time and produce pretty nice colas. I've done a couple 12/12 from seed grows and got nice buds without having any idea of how to actually maximize a yield. It's all one big ongoing experiment as far as I'm concerned, it's probably why I can't settle into a routine of growing, I want to try as many different things as I can with the time I have on this earth. This time around I have a very good idea of what I'm trying to do and how to go about doing it. Hopefully by the end of the cool season in florida I'll have it dialed in and be producing some nice little plants. Right now I'm attempting to let my mothers get root bound in their little three ounce cups and then transplant into twenty ounce cups, let them get root bound and then transplant into one gallon grow bags to be kept as mothers for a few months or so. I am trying to build a solid root ball in each cup before going to the next size up, good roots, good plants. I read where allowing them to become root bound before transplanting will help to fill the container completely with roots instead of some of the soil having no roots. I'll try almost anything once that sounds like it might be probable or at least plausible.
i like the way you think headsup!! i like to smoke up the family/friends.
and get back what i put in the grow room.


Well-Known Member
Hotsauce awesome job buddy. Getting everything dialed in looks like. Good one.

Busy day/night in here sheesh. The topic of numbers. Its a scary balance at times. Definately raises the blood pressure when your up there with the count. Looks like a cool flood table G.

Jigfresh thanks for the props bru.

Headsup choo choo my brotha.

The riu dog park is a lovely place haha. Peace bru's 1bmm


Well-Known Member
In my opinion things are going along nicely in my tent. Some strains are going at a faster pace than others. My stand out plant is the Sensi Star. So sticky, stinky and a good bit of trichomes on her already. She has had a strong scent since about week 3 of veg. Violator Kush and Wembley are so similar, even in smell. A bit different, but similar, that makes sense I think. Kind of like fruity pebbles but the violator smells more funky to me and the wembley more sweet. I think, or more like hoping my Mk Ultra goes purple, its so dark and has a kind of blueish tint to the leaves. My coletrain showed it has a good amount of sativa in it in the past few weeks, stretching like hell, but still smelling very good. The Black Jack has quite a unique smell. I think it will have small nugs, but they are good n frosty already. Same with the Sour Kush (DNA freebie from Attitude, not the Headband/SourKush? from Reserva Privada). Probably the same damn thing though, the gave it away right before they released the Headband. Im not complaining. The SAD smells kind of like a white rhino I grew, must be the afghan. Cant wait for that, I love that smell/taste, usually means a kick ass body buzz awaits the user. I raised the cheese and the black jack up so they could get more light. Enough talking, you want pictures right?


Well-Known Member
Genuity, after reading your post again, I would love to not have to grow in july, august or september, it's almost five here and it still is almost ninety degrees, my electric bills are rather expensive in the summer months and I would love to avoid them if I had enough smoke.
I also would not like to grow inside during the summer. I want to find I place I can put some big girls outdoors to cover myself for that period of time. That way I would still be harvesting. Just not dealing with high bills.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Hey Whodat and Outdoor, lovely set of pics, thanks for the share. Pic 19, some set of long leaves on that girl!

You gonna tell us what your growing, whodat?

Genuity, interesting video, I guess until weed becomes completely legal seed companies got to produce their stock somewhere. It's the same in the Dam, the companies use different growers to do stuff for them. Otherwise they would just get raided everyday. It's such a grey area the whole breeding, selling seeds (as souvineers), etc, etc, it just makes me laugh....stupid.


Well-Known Member
Hey Whodat and Outdoor, lovely set of pics, thanks for the share. Pic 19, some set of long leaves on that girl!

You gonna tell us what your growing, whodat?

Genuity, interesting video, I guess until weed becomes completely legal seed companies got to produce their stock somewhere. It's the same in the Dam, the companies use different growers to do stuff for them. Otherwise they would just get raided everyday. It's such a grey area the whole breeding, selling seeds (as souvineers), etc, etc, it just makes me laugh....stupid.
i always wonder how hands on some of the breeders are to there own strains!!
crazy!! is what it is.......


Well-Known Member
ok G, so I have spent a while looking for the pics of my compost build, but cannot find them...blerry idiot that I am. Anyway, I am sure if you look up on google, youtube, whatever, there are loads of different techniques for making a compost heap. I think I watched a few urban gardeners videos. Basically you can either have a cold or warm compost heap....don't ask me to remember the temps just now, but to achieve a warm compost heap you need to put in active ingrediants. So something like dry dog food as an example. This will create the correct temps for the micro-organisms to go to work (as far as I am aware.)

Two ways to re-cycle I guess. You can put the whole pot on your compost heap, or you can break it down and just get the main rootball on there. Using the residual medium that comes away as your next growing medium. Again just insure you add some active ingrediants to start that living again, e.g mycorrhizae (since it may have gone through a flush etc) Using coco I can get about 30% of the pot to come away with a relatively small amount of roots material in it. I have used this throughout the summer in my greenhouse and also my outdoor plants. The root balls etc are all in my compost heap and will sit over the winter with worms, etc so that it's ready for next year.

Sorry if the info's a bit random, any more help just let me know. You can make compost heaps from chicken wire, old bins, old barrels, etc, etc. I am using an outdoor cushion box that I have drilled holes in the side of. I then ran a length of hosing across from one side to the other and then put loads of holes into that as well. That hose then sticks out the side of the box and I can blow air down that to get some air to the bottom and middle of the heap....if that makes any sense, haha.

Off for my 4:20...10 minutes late.


Well-Known Member
Nice one Mr West, that should keep that big fuk off branch weighed down, haha.

Rep for being a mad yin...when I can.


Well-Known Member
Hey Whodat and Outdoor, lovely set of pics, thanks for the share. Pic 19, some set of long leaves on that girl!

You gonna tell us what your growing, whodat?

Genuity, interesting video, I guess until weed becomes completely legal seed companies got to produce their stock somewhere. It's the same in the Dam, the companies use different growers to do stuff for them. Otherwise they would just get raided everyday. It's such a grey area the whole breeding, selling seeds (as souvineers), etc, etc, it just makes me laugh....stupid.
Pic 19 is MK Ultra. She is very dark, kind of blueish tint to the leaves, Im hoping she turns purple, looks like the purple pheno you see in some of the TH Seeds pics. At least they used to show a purple one with longer skinnier leaves.