Stealth PC SCrog grow case. CFL. Diesel


Hello everyone. I am a former Grasscity memeber and I don't seem to get much response there so I have migrated here :).

Its been almost forever since I have grown anything. I dont have the luxury of using someones house this time so I am at home doing it as Stealthy as possible in a PC grow case.

I threw up 3 CFLS, a metal wiring shelf that I cut to size for the case.
For the sides I used windshield reflectors and also have an intake and exhaust fan both wired to 12v cell chargers. Still uncertain as to odor control, but I have time to figure that out so no rush on that.

This is a soil grow with foxfarm nutes.
I had a few high moments: over nuted way too early (she has recovered) and after smoking with some friends i tried to remove a fuzzy off the plant and rip a leaf (no biggie). Just annoying things that I know shouldn't of happened, happened.

Anyways here are some pictures of the setup....
hmm somethings not working here I shall post pics of it very soon.



Well-Known Member
yes i scrog, and i would DEF recommend it to anyone who grows in a pc really maximizes your yield!


Alright so its been a few days... I would guess day 15 or 16? I am sure I just hit the bong :bongsmilie

So I came home tonight from watching the Giants game and such at a bar and check my plants. Luckily I had a wire screen up otherwise my lights would have been completely crushed. The plants were burned on the top by my lights fucking falling down.... hooray... So I watered it and decided to ask for advice.

Anyways, my buddy says it will recover, but I wanted to get some other opinions.
Thanks for any help and...

Thank GOD I am not using HPS on this grow!


Well-Known Member
it may recover, dont give up on her yet! i would give her a dose so Super Thrive at the next watering, which helps with stress. Were you holding you lights up with ducktape? i was doing that at first and my lights fell on me babies too, i had to drill the lights into the pc box!


Yeah I actually used Gorilla Tape and always had good luck with it. I plan on drilling those lights in today.
She already seems to be "perking" back up.

Thanks for the help man :)


Well-Known Member
thats good, yeh i just had to do the same exact shit! I was soo pissed i couldnt even say nething lol. But i think i got the problem fixed now. Glad to see things are turning around for her~!


SimplyBaked, question for you man.
With the scroging, how much of your screen did you have filled before you switched over to 12/12?


Another few days have passed and i was noticing the leaves that had their stems burnt were wilting, so I cut them out to just make room/energy for the new growth which is looking nice!

In closed are some pics.
Any tips on would be great :)

Also, it looks like the plant was FIMMED lol


A bit of an update since last time.

Put in larger CFLs, 100w.
Fox Farm Grow Big

The three branches have taken off since last week, they are starting their training finally. They pop up through the screen and i pull them right back through and over to the next hole. A fun process so far :)

Some pics:P1030321.jpgP1030318.jpgP1030325.jpg


Looks like your plant recovered pretty well. What type of temp's are you getting in your case with the new bulbs?


Before It was down in the 60's and I knew I need a bit more heat in there. So the 100s worked out very well.


Well-Known Member
man u live in CT. find an outdoor spot, when i lived there i had massive outdoor plots.but i guess summer is over for y'all now.